Read the Mind, See the Movie

Jul 18, 2010 16:44

“Read the Mind, See the Movie”

A drabble of 100 words

By December21st

Fandom: Castle

Rating: PG

Pairing: Vague Castle/Beckett

Warnings: None

Summary: Beckett can read Castle’s mind. Unfortunately. Response to castle100 challenge summer.

A/N: Nominated for the Castle Fanfiction Awards.

“John’s hoping to impress all the other men with his mad barbecuing skills.” Kate’s neighbor Patrice observes about her husband. It’s the building’s Labor Day barbeque, on the tiny rooftop terrace.

“Billy’s thinking about the new cutie at work.” Donna complains bitterly.

“What about you, Kate, can you tell what your boyfriend’s thinking about just from his expression?” Patrice asks.

“Castle’s not my … never mind.” Beckett surveys Castle, staring intently at the meat searing on the grill. It’s the look he gets when he has an idea for the next Nikki Heat book.

Beckett sighs. “Castle’s thinking about cannibalism.”

fic length: drabble, honors: nominated, fanfic: castle, comm: castle100

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