“Three Notes”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Sometimes homicide is justified. Response to
castle100 challenge annoy.
Beckett’s going to shoot Castle.
She’s not kidding this time. The writer’s been whistling the same three notes over and over all day, occasionally throwing in a few others for variety. Beckett’s tried everything: threatening, cajoling, and even asking him nicely. He’ll be quiet for a few minutes and then … the same three notes.
Somehow Beckett manages to get through the day without committing murder. At least she’s having drinks with Lanie after work. It’s not until after their second drink that Lanie asks Kate, politely, to stop whistling. And Beckett realizes what she’s whistling. The same. Three. Notes.