A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Castle has a flair for apologies. Response to
castle100 challenge explosion.
“Hey, Castle, wha’d you do?” Esposito wonders as he passes Castle on the stairs.
“Do you really think that will work?” Ryan asks before ducking into the elevator.
A riot of colorful blossoms and an explosion of greens threatens to overtake Beckett’s desk, all topped by a large card saying “I’m Sorry!”
“Castle.” Beckett looks up. “What. Did you. Do?”
Castle shrugs. The back of the card is blank. “They’re not from me.”
“You’d better come clean now, Castle.” She glares at him suspiciously.
Castle spends most of the day defending himself. And Beckett's silently pleased she sent herself flowers.