“Heat Source”
A drabble of 100 words
By December21st
Fandom: Castle
Rating: PG
Pairing: None(ish)
Warnings: None
Summary: How to stay warm in the winter. Response to
castle100 challenge water.
“I can’t believe,” Castle tells Beckett as he helps her climb out of the water, “that you actually chased Woodrow into the East River.” Nearby uniforms already have Woodrow in handcuffs.
“Couldn’t let him get away with murder,” Beckett chatters in the sub-freezing January cold, awkwardly removing her water-soaked gloves.
“Or suicide by hypothermia,” the writer observes, wrapping his warm wool coat around the waterlogged detective. He briefly rubs each of her icy hands between his own, the friction warming them.
“Do you know what will really warm you up?” Castle asks, his voice low and suggestive.
“Chicken soup.”