“It’s the Thought That Counts”
A drabble of 100 words
By December
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: Spoilers for “Home”
Summary: Sometimes it’s the thought that counts more than the actual presents. Response to
supernatural100 challenge #54 presents.
Their father had told them that their mother had been the kind of person who bought presents whenever it occurred to her, throughout the year. Still, when Dean went through the box of photos from the basement of their old house, he was surprised to find two packages wrapped in reindeer-nosed paper. The copy of “Pat the Bunny” with Sam’s name on it drew a pair of sad smiles. There weren’t tears in Dean’s eyes until he read the inscription in the front of “Where the Wild Things Are.”
“To Dean, May all your monsters be friendly ones. Love, Mom.”