
Mar 09, 2007 20:32


A drabble of 100 words

By December

Fandom: Supernatural

Rating: PG

Pairing: None

Warnings: None

Summary: “… I shall never see a poem frightening as a tree.” Response to supernatural100 challenge #51 trees.

Dean didn't like Sanguine Island because he had to leave the Impala back on the mainland. Sam didn't like it because it didn't have internet access. Or, for that matter, phones. Ash didn't like it because of all the trees.

"How can you not like trees?"

Ash shrugged. "Tress creep me out."

"Of all the things out there, trees scare you?"

Another shrug. "They're alive, and they're bigger than us."

Later, running for the ferry as branches tried to ensnare them, boughs batting at them and roots grabbing at their ankles, the Winchesters admitted that Ash might have a point.

fic length: drabble, comm: supernatural100, fanfic: supernatural

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