“The Frog-Prince”
A drabble of 100 words
By December
Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: G
Pairing: None
Warnings: None
Summary: Sam turns into a frog. Response to
supernatural100 challenge #19 turning point.
Some days raising children felt like a surreal fairy tale to John. Like today, when Sammy spent the entire day claiming he was a frog. He’d dressed all in green and jumped everywhere. John was pretty sure saying “ribbit” after every sentence was Dean’s idea. He’d refused to eat dinner until John told him that the Hamburger Helper was really “Fly Helper.” Tucking Sam in that night, John kissed him firmly on the forehead and told him, “With a kiss from one who loves him, the frog turned into a prince.” And they lived happily ever after, for a while.