Title: Thunder
Pairing(s): 2min
Word Count: 220
Rating: PG
Genre: Angst
Author :
decembersummer Summary: He knew minho would always be there.
The thunder roared suddenly and made his heart jumped so quickly. He hugged the pillow tightly over his head, trying so hard not to tremble.
The rain droplets made loud sounds while hitting the glass panel windows.The lighting flashed again and he quickly pressed the hands over his ears harder, avoiding the loud bashing sound of the thunder and of the memories that started to drown him in.
The car swirling in the night .
The terrifying storm.
His mother hovering over him.
The painful memories of his parents.
Tears trickled down his face as god shed his tears for him too. He felt so empty. Hugging his fragile frame tighter, he searched for the warmth within.Tears cascading down his pale cheeks as he jerk from another roar of the thunder.
Suddenly, the door crashed open and Minho came running in.
He stood down and examined his pale face, with eyes tightly closed. His heart clenched painfully. He climbed onto the bed, hugging him tightly like a precious little doll.
hocked by the sudden warmth, Taemin opened his eyes looking a little shocked but eyes turned into something warm the next.
Minho pulled his head onto his chest and stroked his silk autumn hair. "It's okay minnie,
I am here..."
And Taemin knew Minho will always be.
A/N: I'm working on this jongkey one-shot. I'm stuck on that series fic, so give me some time okay! <3 Thanks for reading and please comment, criticism are welcome.