So here is a lot of art. A LOT. Our characters are all part of a circus!
AIYAS, the airfolk, my character. She is an "trick" flier- an aerial acrobat. UNDERBOOOOOOBBBB.
PSYCHE, the fortuneteller. She is a Sidereal half-caste.
MOROS THE MACABRE, our exorcist and catty ghost-wrangler. He is a runaway slave.
And finally ALPHA, our Northern barbarian. He talks to animals!
Aiyas was originally called Aurora in the Moonless Sky, and she lived with her elder brother (3 yrs older)Herald of the Beating Heart in Sesakan, one of the northern Airfolk enclaves, worshipers of the Unconquered Sun. At the age of 7, Aurora and Herald were captured by Guild slavers. They were in their possession for about a year, traveling to Chiascurro to be sold in the auctions.
Airfolk are rare indeed and fetch a good price in auction. Aurora was sold to Yshmael al'Darik, the ringmaster, and her brother was sold to another owner.
So, Aurora was renamed Aiyas ("hatching" in Old Realm, which is what her new master called her). She lived with the circus and grew to love it and it's inhabitants.
(Baby Aiyas and Hammond, a performer and the camp doctor, pretty much)
(Aiyas and Flickering Onyx, the illusionist. They were close and shared a mutual infatuation, but Aiyas pulled an open mouth-insert foot maneuver and broke his heart and now he's not talking to her XDDD)
Last game, on the way to The Lap for their next performance, Aiyas and Psyche left the caravan to see the Redwing Tribe, living on a huge plateau in the desert. They were escorted in, and Aiyas discovered that apparently she's got some sort of prophesy where she will unite the Airfolk and lead them something something.. .... anyways, the head of the tribe was a DRAGON KING (a fallen race), and Aiyas was given two "henchmen" (a 1 dot background award by the storyteller), a pair of fraternal twins Swift Arrow and Keen Eyed Hawk.
They are my sifu and will teach me Wind Blade style martial arts (a dragon king MA), archery, and melee.