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Oct 23, 2005 16:22

Of all that's ever been written about Scorpio over the years, much of it -- no, most of it -- has been unfair, negative and worded so that those born under this Sun sign sound downright intimidating. It's as if simply getting to know them requires superhuman courage and a fully armed bodyguard. Well, we're about to put an end to all that nonsense. It's true that Scorpios are not for the faint of heart. They're not shallow, they won't be manipulated and they will never, ever 'settle' for less than what they really want. In the Scorpio mind, 'settling' equates with giving up -- and that's something else they'd never, ever do. Scorpios won't stop working toward a goal until they're convinced that it's impossible -- which takes some doing.

Even when they're not on a mission, Scorpios are still undoubtedly sniffing out clues. They're born detectives who are always on duty, analysts who never stop digging for answers, and investigators who are perpetually in search of information. A mystery is an invitation to these folks; what's below the surface is simply irresistible.

And speaking of irresistible, if you're attracted to a Scorpio and vice versa, whether it's been 24 years or 24 hours, rest assured that they'll never cease to amaze, astound and startle you. Just when you think you've got them all figured out (although you likely stopped laboring under that illusion shortly after you two met), they'll say or do something that will cause you to find them even more fascinating. They're loyal to a fault -- but maybe just a bit too jealous at times, so don't play games with that emotion -- and perfectly willing to fire walk for you. And whether or not you opt to make the relationship legal, 'until death do us part' will always apply. Their love will literally last forever.

Your Starcast for October 23-November 21

With both the Sun and Jupiter moving into Scorpio, you'd better believe you're going to be particularly focused on anything -- and anyone -- you have your eye on. Fiery Sagittarius plays host to chatty Mercury by the end of October, so don't be surprised to find yourself bolding voicing whatever's on your mind. And Venus's move into Capricorn later this astrological month will put you in the mood for elegance. Hey, why not treat yourself to a little pampering -- you'll want to be rested when Mercury turns retrograde on November 14th! Read on for the scoop on a month chock-full of passion, intensity and bold decisions.

October 23: Sun into Scorpio

It's time for the Sun's yearly trek through Scorpio, marking the beginning of a month's worth of deep, passionate emotions for us all. No matter what -- or whom -- you're interested in at the moment, you can expect to be completely and totally focused in that direction. If it's a work situation, so much the better. After all, what better way to learn something than to become just about obsessed with it? If it's a personal relationship, take a breath -- and a step back. You need some perspective, and you won't get it if you're too close.

October 25: Jupiter into Scorpio
The Sun's arrival in passionate Scorpio is enough of an excuse to become extraordinarily focused on obtaining what we were only mildly interested in just a day before -- and that took place just a few days ago. Today, however, Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system and the king of excess and extravagance himself, has also set off for Scorpio. Needless to say, you'll be absolutely relentless about getting what you want, and totally unwilling to settle for anything less than all of it.

October 30: Mercury into Sagittarius

When the planet in charge of movement and communication steps -- no, dashes -- into Sagittarius, there's only one possible outcome: Each and every word any of us utters will emerge with fire, passion and unbridled enthusiasm. For the next four weeks, that's exactly what will be going on in the heavens, so prepare yourself -- oh, and don't forget that Sagittarius has also never been especially shy, retiring or afraid to say exactly what's what.

November 1: New Moon in Scorpio

Passion comes naturally to Scorpio, and emotions are the domain of the Moon. So now, with the new Moon occurring in this deep, sensual sign, there's really only one possible outcome: Each and every feeling that crosses your heart will reach right down into your very soul, and every encounter will carry a distinct tone of intensity. And that includes encounters with everyone from the person behind you in line at the grocery store to your main squeeze. Enjoy it. There's definitely something to be said for relating on a one-on-one basis with absolutely no holds barred.

This new Moon will most affect Scorpios born October 31-Nov 4, Aquarians born January 28-February 1, Taureans born April 28-May 2 and Leos born July 31-August 4.

November 5: Venus into Capricorn

The goddess of love is due to enter Capricorn, the sign that puts her in the mood for elegance. So for the next five weeks, we'll all be feeling similarly -- as if there's no better way to express emotions than by slipping into something formal, climbing into a chauffeured limo and enjoying a five-course dinner. That's what we'll want to do, that is. If your budget allows, dinner and the theater wouldn't be bad -- the opera would be even better. If not, remember that style and sophistication are attitudes. Whether you've got a dime or a thousand dollars, make it happen.

November 7: Sun opposite Mars <

This, friends, is the kind of day that can only be described as potentially volatile. Very volatile. The Sun and Mars are the heavens' fireballs. At the moment, they're about to edge into an exact opposition, a planetary tug-of-war that can't help but create some serious fireworks down here on planet number three. Does this necessarily mean that you'll be involved in an equally fiery melee? Well, no -- but staying out of one could be quite the challenge. On the other hand, if you're feeling passionate about someone in a positive way, forget about arguing and remember just how wonderful this kind of focused intensity can be.

November 8: Venus sextile Jupiter

After yesterday's torrid astrological weather, today's lovely meeting of jovial Jupiter and sweet, tender Venus (which are, respectively, in soothing water and earth signs to boot) will be a welcome relief. They'll connect in an easy, stimulating sextile, the stuff that exciting encounters are made of. We'll all be in the mood to make new friends, reconnect with long-lost loved ones and let whomever we're currently involved with know just how much we value them. This is one of those days you just can't help but remember fondly. Do what you can to make this entry in your emotional scrapbook as special as possible.

November 14: Mercury turns retrograde

Three times a year (for three weeks each time), Mercury, messenger of the gods, turns retrograde -- backward, that is. For us here on Earth, that translates into automatic difficulty with all communication and all travel plans -- not to mention the gadgets and machinery that help us in those departments, like phones, computers and vehicles. This time out, Mercury will turn retrograde in Sagittarius, a sign that's also quite connected to travel and communication, especially of the long-distance variety. So it's easy to see how your best bet for the next three weeks will be to troubleshoot in those departments -- expect Murphy's Law to be in full force, and make sure plan B is ready to roll, if and when plan A is fouled up by circumstances beyond your control. Oh, and enjoy this. When we're not where we're supposed to be when we're supposed to be there, we often end up experiencing unexpected blessings. Let go and let the universe drive.

November 15: Full Moon in Taurus

Full Moons aren't ever boring. The emotional power of the Moon comes to a peak, asking us all to make a choice and to stick by it. This time out, the full Moon will occur while the Sun's in no-nonsense Scorpio, the sign that's particularly famous for demanding 'make it or break it' decisions. When you feel the need to issue your emotional declaration -- and you should expect to feel it quite soon -- let it happen guiltlessly. You need to make a change, you need to do it now and you know it. Do what needs to be done and move on.

This full Moon will most affect Scorpios born November 16-20, Aquarians born February 12-16, Taureans born May 14-19 and Leos born August 16-21.

November 17: Venus trine Mars

Venus and Mars are the most famous lovers in the heavens, so when they get together, we all feel the need to act out the ardor they're known for. When they're wearing earth signs, however, (as they are at the moment) it's not momentary passion we're after -- it's permanence. In their current positions, these heavenly lovers endow one and all with the patience and tolerance necessary to make a relationship work, even if it means overcoming some hurdles and extending or accepting some apologies in the process. If a loved one approaches you with a rather contrite expression on their face, don't think about your pride. Consider what's really important in the long run.

November 18: Mars square Saturn

'As above, so below' isn't just a clever sound bite. It's also an apt description of how the universe works. So when cosmic giants square off -- the planets, that is -- it's a given that events here on Earth may also be a bit trickier to navigate. When those giants just happen to be Mars, the ancient god of war, and Saturn, the ruler of military seriousness, it's also a given that any argument, no matter how petty the trigger, could easily turn into a war. A long-lasting war. A well-buried tiff that began last August could come to the surface again now. Deal with any disagreements -- old or new -- honestly, immediately and bluntly. It's the only way to get them gone for good. And as you know, that's what's got to happen.

Enjoy the Sun's transit of Scorpio!
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