"The verses are wasted, on words you won't relate to, on words you'll never hear...."

Aug 07, 2003 11:43


So it's been weeks since I've updated I suppose. I've been very, very busy.

This is what's went down...

Road Trip.

We drove from Barrie to Montreal, Moncton and then Halifax. 18 hour drive, but good times. Went to a kick-ass bar in Wolf River, saw a huge fireworks display, rocked the magnetic hill, went to the Dome www.thedome.ca in Halifax, killer bar. Our hotel in Halifax had a huge spiral water slide attached to the indoor pool, can it get any better?

We crossed over to the states and drove through Maine and New Hampshire and got a hotel in Vermont. It wasn't that busy of a place, but it was nice. The indoor skatepark was quite decent, and we met three Russian girls in our hotel. Olga, Olga and Ekaterina. Can you believe that? Two fucking Olgas. haha.

Well that's a super condensed version, but that's all you're getting we had a great time, but there was a lot of driving. I was able to meet a bunch of people that want to carry Alarm in their stores, and that's awesome.

The night we got back to Barrie we went to see Pooched play their final show. It was a little sad, but it was time I guess. They played well (except for Steve... Had a few too many, as always..) and Cardiac and State Of Mind opened, so it was a good show. I was sooo tired though.

The next night we went to see The Dears. What an awesome band. They're getting really big on the college charts right now, and I hope that continues. Any band that uses a Rhodes deserves love. It doesn't hurt that there's two beautiful ladies in the band either. hehe.

That Saturday we went to Toronto to see Goat Horn at the Bovine Sex Club. It was a lot of bullshit. D'Arcy and Pat didn't end up getting in. Liam and I did. Fucking doormen.

Sunday we went and saw Death From Above and Machtiver. Killer shit. I love bass/drum duos. Some other bands played too!

Before the show, Liam and I went looking for beer, and we ended up stumbling across this guys house where he shows movies, like in his living room. The screen is huge and the sound is decent, and you can drink beer.... wild shit. We ended up getting beer, going over to his place, paid him the "fee" and he kept our beer cold and we watched Frankenstein movies in between sets. The guy was sooo much fun. Really interesting. I want to go back there soon and chill with him.

Went to a local show at the Off Duty last Tuesday, it was okay, I'm getting tired of going to shows, well not really at all, just shitty local ones, but I have to be there to sell shirts and shit, so I don't have an option.

Last weekend was Warped Tour, it wasn't horrible, but I mainly went for Coheed, and I was really happy that they didn't suck as bad as they did last time I saw them, I mean, they're one of my favourite bands, but they sounded so bad when I saw them with Thrice last winter.

We had a nice party at Liam's after Warped, everyone was up to 6 in the morning playing frisbee on the street. I'm sure the neighbours were pleased.

Sunday I saw Iron Maiden. Oh yes. Mullet-city. It was actually an amazing show. They blew me away. Everything from massive Eddie puppets to guitar tricks, a huge "666" stage light during "Number of the Beast" and a giant Eddie torso that came to life after a big glowing pink brain was inserted.... Dio was surprisingly good too, "Holy Diver" and "Rainbow In The Dark" may be gay as anything but they're catchy and when there's a thousands of dirty metalheads throwing horns you kinda get into it more. Motorhead played too, but we missed them. I don't want to talk about it. Really. I wanted to see Lemmy soooo bad. Best thing about this show, I didn't pay for the $70 ticket.

Monday was a holiday and we just walked around downtown Toronto, Liam and Dan almost got stupid tattoos, but I stopped them.

Tuesday night Liam, Pat, Carolyn and I went to see Minus The Bear. You don't understand how great that show was. Seriously. I think I can die now. The guitarist was doing tapping and hammer-on's the whole set, like zero strumming, very impressive. Too bad their merch was ugly. I even bought a shirt anyway. I'm a sucker. hehe.

Wednesday was D'Arcy's birthday, Liam and Carolyn came over and we had a little party and opened his presents and then we went to the bar, got him more drunk and then he dragged us to the rippers. I was surprised Carolyn went with us, I didn't expect her to, but because it was his birthday, she didn't care. We were going to get him a lap dance, and I got the job of asking strippers, and I fucking ask two NON strippers, (they sooo looked like they were!) ... "Were you dancing earlier?" "Nope, I wish..." "Oh. Sorry. hehe."
So it wasn't that bad, but the dude sitting with them prolly wanted to smash me in the face. hehe.

I've been on vacation since last friday, it's been nice. Getting up when I want, going to bed when I want, well it's kinda just like I'm working. ha.

This afternoon Carolyn and I went to the Zoo to check out the Giraffes. At first they weren't coming over to us, so we went and played with the goats and when we came back, one of them had come right over and hung out with us. It was really cool. I swear like 3 monkeys tried to piss on us, but that's what you get for supporting Zoos I guess.

So I've been having soooo much fun, the time off has been great. I have to go back to work tuesday, but I'm looking forward to the weekend.
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