a man's worth
changmin/ofc, ot5 friendship
rated pg
"a man's worth is measured by how he parents his children. what he gives them, what he keeps away from them, the lessons he teaches, and the lessons he allows them to learn on their own." - lisa rogers
Yoochun had never thought Changmin would be the first. Not that he gave much thought to who would be the first to have children, but Changmin was consistently at the bottom of the list anyway. After all, he was the baby, the dongseng. Although now as Yoochun stands in front of the glass window of the nursery, he can’t think of anyone who could do the job better.
He sneaks a glance up at Changmin, who’s staring intently at the pink bundle of fabric that is now his own. Yoochun studies his eyes, and in them sees love and fear, happiness and fragility. Something in them assures Yoochun that Changmin will hold onto her tight, more than anything else in the world, tighter, even, than his own heartbeat.
“I can’t believe she’s finally here,” Changmin whispers with a laugh, smiling caperingly down at Yoochun, who chuckles and bats at his shoulder.
“I can’t believe you’re the first one here,” Yoochun sighs in reply, turning back to look at Eun Ae, “I’m proud of you, though, Min. We all are. You have no idea.”
“I’m so scared,” Changmin admits after a period of silence, voice cracking with the statement. Yoochun spares a glance and sees that Changmin’s eyes are wet.
“You’ll do an amazing job, Min. We all know it,” Yoochun wraps an arm around Changmin’s waist and pulls him close, feels Changmin rest his cheek on the top of his head, “You just have to realize it too.”
The stand like that in silence for a few short minutes, gazing beyond the glass at the one carriage that is identical to all the others but seems so extraordinary. Yoochun can feel Changmin’s heart under his fingers when he squeezes, and he counts the beats to himself.
Their silence is interrupted by Changmin’s fiancé, Anne, waddling slowly down the hallway towards them. They met on a trip Changmin had taken to New York three or four years back, in some small bar in Manhattan. She was short, with auburn hair and dark blue eyes, with rusty Korean but flawless Japanese. She was beautiful and intelligent, but most of all loving - everything that Changmin had always wanted. As the two of them turned to face her, she flashed a brilliant smile.
“Oh, stop being such a crybaby,” she says in English before switching to Korean, “Come on, everyone wants to take pictures now that I’m all showered. Let’s go, already~! Yah~”
Yoochun laughs as Changmin is pulled away by the wrist, swiping at his eyes with the other. Yoochun follows.
They all take pictures with Eun Ae individually, taking turns holding her tightly, afraid they would drop her. Yoochun adjusts her blankets while Jaejoong gives him a countdown. In the end, he doesn’t look up, just stares down at her beautiful face as he rubs the backs of his fingers over her chubby cheeks, a soft smile on his lips.
The four of them take a picture with Anne too, as she sits on the bed holding Eun Ae. They all manage to crowd around her, making silly faces as Anne beams for the camera, smile bright and happy.
Last comes the picture of all the members, Changmin standing in the middle for once as he holds his daughter in his arms. They squeeze as close as they can, everyone succeeding in touching a part of him. Yoochun has an arm looped around his shoulders, with Junsu managing to get an arm around Yoochun to place his hand on the bottom of Changmin’s back. Jaejoong is resting an arm on Changmin’s shoulder while Yunho has his fingers tangled in the hair at the nape of Changmin’s neck. Changmin’s laughing but his eyes glisten with tears, and Jaejoong gently places a kiss on his cheek while Yoochun tightens his grip.
Anne holds the camera up, takes a breath.
“Ready? One … two … three …”
The flash is blinding. And even through all the photoshoots they’ve done, and all pictures they’ve taken, Yoochun thinks it’s their best shot yet.
first dbsk fanfic ever and first time writing fanfic in two years-ish. any/all comments are appreciated!