Title: I Must Be Lonely
Fandom: Supernatural
Character: Sam Winchester
Theme set: Beta
Rating: All over the map, but nothing too graphic. G to PG-13.
A/N: Slight spoilers for all of S1. These are not written in order; don't try to take them as such.
#01 - Package
Sam isn't sure what it means when he opens his mailbox at school one day and finds a battered, worn envelope hiding a scrawled note from Dean, talking about inconsequential crap, and it makes a lump start to breed in his throat.
#02 - Obscure
Jess laughs and tries to pry his father's job out of his throat, but it stops being funny when he won't give up the answer.
#03 - Skeleton
He's seen his share of bones, and he actually likes it, to the point of prostrating himself in the dirt to crane his neck to get a look at a fragment of skull.
#04 - Nurse
Sam watches his brother in the hospital bed, face stony and dead, even as Dean laughs weakly and flirts with the nurses with his failing limbs.
#05 - Domino
"You have to stay with me, dammit," Dean says heavily, and in that moment Sam knows Dean's scared because if he loses him, he might lose Dad next.
#06 - Thaw
It's months and months before Sam can think of Jess without pain; it isn't a lessening of his revenge instinct, but rather a cooling of the agony.
#07 - Waves
Stanford isn't exactly on the beach, but Sam's an imaginative Kansas boy; he can close his eyes and stand outside, feeling the Pacific Ocean lapping over his feet.
#08 - Burglar
He'll never forget when he nabbed his first burglar - his hunting skills had come in handy when he'd tripped the guy, and Dean had smiled so widely Sam had thought he might burst.
#09 - Frame
Sam washes his bloody hand grimly; he'd given it a good try, but the mirror had dropped from his grip and shattered anyway - guess the bad luck had started already.
#10 - Carpet
Dean had helped him lay the carpet down in his apartment up at school, and Sam had smiled at him when he'd left, just to make sure his brother knew he was grateful.
#11 - Insect
Sam’s pretty damn sure that when most people see a solitary bee float across a bush, they don’t think of unmarked graves and Indian curses.
#12 - Mentor
It’s no secret he’s looked up to Dean since they were babies; he wishes sometimes he had his brother’s steely resolve.
#13 - Spirit
Sam sees every kind of spirit in his head, except the ones who matter.
#14 - Wax
The ritual candle drips hotly on the bridge between Sam’s thumb and forefinger, and though it hurts, he figures it’s fine and he’s now protected by the spells.
#15 - Trash
Stanford is good to Sam; it’s one of the first places he can remember where nobody calls him white trash for having hand-me-down clothes and a slightly scruffy exterior.
#16 - Womb
It’s odd when Dean starts yapping about kids to that girl; Sam stands and smirks and thinks about what he could have had with Jess, and by the time Dean’s shut up, his heart hurts.
#17 - Burn
He’s never even told Dean, but he sees spirits (blonde ones) dancing and screaming in flames whenever they happen to see a fire.
#18 - Flash
They’re in Southern California and for once, relaxing; Dean is telling stories, and Sam even laughs and ogles when some drunk girl lifts up her top.
#19 - Anima
A man’s anima is defined as his feminine principle, that buried part of him; Sam thinks he might be one of the few whose anima has a name.
#20 - Gamble
“Come on, Sammy,” Dean murmurs under his breath as he grabs for one of his myriad fake business cards, heading toward their next crime scene as Sam waits, cold.
#21 - Statue
A statue, a scarecrow, and Dean are three immovable things Sam can think of, especially when Dean wants to do something insane.
#22 - Perfume
God, the girl smells like mandarin oranges, and Sam hates it, because it makes him want to kiss her more, even though she isn’t Jess.
#23 - Wine
Dean always thinks wine is a sissy drink, but right now it tastes good to Sam; after what they’ve been through, he’ll cling to anything holy.
#24 - Reflection
He looks terrible, broken and bloody, and he turns from the mirror, because it reminds him of the time he went insane.
#25 - Take
As they streak down the California highway, in search of Dad, Sam marvels that he’s let Dean take him so easily away from the centre of normalcy again.
#26 - Magic
For a long time, Sam thought that his father could do magic, but as always, once he learns the secrets behind John’s spells, they lose their allure.
#27 - Fragment
It’s almost like a damn treasure hunt or something; every time they find a piece of Dad’s whereabouts, Sam dreams that they’re finding a bit of normalcy.
#28 - Cats and Dogs
They haven’t stopped fighting since Sam figured out what Dean put in his pants, but really, it isn’t anything new.
#29 - Hum
Sam walks in the door to his apartment after class and sees Jess puttering in the kitchen, humming tunelessly in a cadence designed to make him long for her.
#30 - Flinch
For the longest time after St. Louis, Sam couldn’t let Dean touch him without shrinking a little - just a little.
#31 - Rush
“Go, now,” John demands, and Sam can barely squeak a protest as Dean drags him off into the dark, babysitting him yet again.
#32 - Jester
Dean is the joker, and Sam’s always, always the one who gets the joke played on him, but he’s learnt to be okay with it.
#33 - Haven
Sam knows full well that he’s lost any haven he’s ever had - home, Stanford - but he’ll be damned if he stops looking for one.
#34 - Dusk
Dad always said spirits were most active at dusk, and Sam can vouch for that; it’s when the sun has barely set that he thinks he can see Jess in every mirror.
#35 - Chord
Sam loves the Impala almost as much as Dean does, if only because of the way the metal hums when the music hits a high note.
#36 - Indulgence
Every man has one luxury he lets himself indulge in; for Dean, it’s Jenna Jameson - for Sam, it’s his ancient, crabbed books of history and philosophy and science.
#37 - Freezer
Sam can hear Dean laughing at him as he sticks his head in the freezer to feel the bitter air, but who cares - the fourth beer was a mistake, and he can admit it.
#38 - Passage
He’s seen people die before, but as the truck slams into the Impala, Sam swears he can feel his own spirit passing over, and tries to fight it.
#39 - Coast
As he peers out the bus window at the rocky shoreline, he still feels fucking horrible for leaving Dean behind.
#40 - Keepsake
“We’ve still got one bullet left,” Sam pleads as he and his family race away from the demon.
#41 - Morbid
Sam will never forget the time or the irony of when his English teacher took him aside and asked him, wasn’t his essay just the slightest bit macabre?
#42 - Shipwreck
Dean shouts for him to get a move on, and Sam dives into the water; he can see the freighter’s wreck on the lake bed, and his interest is wholly consumed not with the salvage, but with wondering who might have gone down with the ship.
#43 - Socks
Ever since the episode in Richardson, Sam’s taken to shaking out his shoes and socks before he puts them on, especially if Dean gets up first.
#44 - Sand
Sam can only watch the beach as Dean and Lucas struggle out of the water; he’s weak, having gone through terror, despair, jubilation and relief in a matter of seconds.
#45 - Coin
His back is against the wall, arms folded, watching Dean talk shit and shoot pool, but then Dean wins the game, palming the wad of cash, and Sam steps away from the edge.
#46 - Guile
He’ll never tell Dean this, but sometimes Sam sees his own actions late at night, and wonders what Mom would have said about it all.
#47 - Eyelash
As he’s wiping the blood away from his cheeks, he blinks as his finger swipes across and finds of all things, an eyelash, though he laughs and makes a wish.
#48 - Drive
Sam works so hard at Stanford both for his own edification and to prove a point to his father that there are other things in the world worthy of energy. drive
#49 - Net
“Give me that,” Sam snorts, yanking the laptop away from Dean, pulling up the hunter’s blog while Dean bitches loudly about it being nontraditional to hunt with a computer.
#50 - Destination
Sam’s started to enjoy driving with Dean, if only because the freedom to go wherever he wants is something he hasn’t let himself enjoy until now.