Hey, Tre :D When you say changing the tone to grey mode do you mean changing the Expression Mode from Black 1bit (the default) to grey in the Layer Properties dialog box? Er, can you do that? Heh, I didn't realize you could change the expression mode after the layer was created.
When you double click the tone, opening it layer menu, there's an option called "Method" towards the top. It's usually on "auto" but you can switch it to "Gray" or "Tone."
Thinking about it now, and reading your response below to pencilkiller, you don't have probs with the dot tones themselves. D: I barely use MS's crappy design tone, I moved ComicWorks tone to MS. (Using the "Convert to tone" function) They seem to shrink fine.
humm...can I know what kind of problem with the low rez tone output...? Cuz I think I have them looks ok. But some of the tone, like noise/sand type, I need to rasterize the tone layer before exporting though. :)
Hi, Ouch, the dot tones reduce fine, that is they convert to greys (I wish, actually, that they'd retain at least some of the texture... but that's beside the point since they're doing just exactly what they're supposed to do, I think). But the dot tones seem to be the only tone that looks good when exported. The noise/sands are the worst-- FireFlyDotted, for example, turns into this coarse awful mess when exported to websize.
Will you tell me what you mean by rasterizing the tone layer? I didn't even know you could do that... thought it was only needed for things like text?
Comments 18
If you'd like, you can email me and we can chat about wrangling MS. (Or look forward to your lessons!)
Thanks, I need all the help I can get. ^_^;;;
Thinking about it now, and reading your response below to pencilkiller, you don't have probs with the dot tones themselves. D: I barely use MS's crappy design tone, I moved ComicWorks tone to MS. (Using the "Convert to tone" function) They seem to shrink fine.
The option you're talking about is in this dialog box?
( ... )
Will you tell me what you mean by rasterizing the tone layer? I didn't even know you could do that... thought it was only needed for things like text?
Here is the tutorial for the FireFly Dotted tone. It works the same with the noise and sand tone too.
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