On days when his class is scheduled to discuss a play, Ash requires them to come to class with two typed questions for prompting conversation; this necessitates that they think about class at least 10 minutes before hand, and that they at least skim the summary on the back of the script.
sauvagerie has expressed a (stolen?) belief that an lj post must contain at least three points of interest to be considered worth reading. (She must often be disappointed by my posts, I fear.)
In marriage of these two ideas, I shall now post three questions:
1. Could there be a worse time to attempt NaNoWriMo than simultaneously with cutting TV out of your child's life? (It should be noted that NaNoWriMo doesn't care about quality of writing, and when reading this question, neither should you. Look at it as one of those instances when form is supposed to demonstrate content.)
2. Am I brave enough to make an earnest attempt at writing 50,000 words in one month?
3. How am I going to pack for a month-long beach trip in a Toyota ECHO?