Sheesh. I've been online for like 4 hours now and I've only gotten through half my friends page. I'm not even reading all the entries (only ones from real friends and select other users). Approximately 130 to go. Grr. And then I should try to get some things done with the Cafe. And I still have email to check too.
Well.. my computer is a piece of shit. Not that that's anything new.. it's just very aggravating. Courtney has spent so much time on my computer the past couple weeks trying to fix it.. and well.. it hasn't done much good. I feel really bad. And I know he's all sad over it as well. I suppose it's running a bit better today. But it's like.. not long
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Courtney and I have cabin fever. LoL. At least I think we do. We both want to be able to do things together.. however, without money, the only things we can do are play Nintendo or watch movies or take part in sexual endeavors. And nyah.. that gets boring after a while (well.. not the sex.. but yeah.. we want more than that). It's nice to be able
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You're stylish, trendy, but not over the top. You know how to look good - without looking like you're trying too hard. Men think that you're cute, friendly, and approachable. And you've got a spunky, fiesty side that comes out after a while!
1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fourth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
"Has she got all her limbs?" ~ Wicked, by Gregory MaGuire
So yeah.. Courtney and I haven't really spent any time apart (except when I went to work on Tuesday) since I met him at the airport last Thursday. I didn't feel much like going in to work yesterday or today, so I called in sick to stay here with him. I don't really care much about work.. I like it.. but I'm not getting paid to be there.. and I'd
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The final Vote for Change concert is being broadcast, as we speak, on Music Choice's Rock channel. It's not video footage, unfortunately.. but at least it's something. I turned it on just now.. just in time to catch my fave DMB song (Too Much). Huzzah
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