Friday Night Lights
Rules Tyra/Lyla with added hanging out presence of Jason and Tim, before high school and while this was never a thing I could see, this fic just works. It's a great portrayal of both Lyla and Tyra and that is rare enough.
It's summer, and the rules have changed, but summer never lasts. Soon enough Lyla will be wearing her Panthers Cheer Squad uniform all the time, giving her those long-suffering, oh, Tyra Collette, you're such a mess, looks.
We will fix our hearts over. Tim Riggins. Set parallel to S4 it gives a bit more of the why Tim went back home story.
Fast and Furious
Slow Ship Turning - Adult - Brian/Dom. This is not a fandom that I do well slashing. I can't see it, as much as I think there's some serious UST between Dom and Brian. I just see Mia and Letty as being their other halves. But this totally works.
But He's Her Idiot. Letty giving Dom shit. It's so perfect I cannot begin to say.
"No, I don't," she growled at him. "We've been a team for as long as I can remember, Dom, and I have never once walked out on you -- no matter how many times you've deserved it. But this time you just had to go and be a bastard and decide to try and run my life for me."
Grease 2
I'll Be Your Girl For All Seasons. Johnny/Paulette. Inspired by A Girl For All Seasons. Four looks at the two of them and perfect.
St Trinian's
An Original Work (Authenticity and Provenance Debateable). Post-movie Annabelle and Kelly pull another job, and the best way to get it completed is to pretend to be girlfriends. Really. It's the best way.
Annabelle only had a second to catch Kelly's eye and widen her own: I'm changing the plan, go with it!
(Or at least, that's what she hoped Kelly got from it. Annabelle wasn't very good yet at the eloquent non-verbal communication thing, even though the Posh Totties were trying their best to instruct her in the ways of an arched eyebrow, or a half-smile combined with lowered eyelids just-so. So far their verdict was that when Annabelle tried to say "Certainly, you may buy me a drink" she was conveying "I have conjunctivitis and this amuses me.")
Law & Order:UK
Duty of Care. A short procedural that suits the tone and voice of the show perfectly.
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
Three-Moon Nights. I cannot say how much I love this piece contrasting Brick's relationship with Skipper and with Maggie. This is one of my favourite movies and to read this made me happier than I could say.
Rome Can I say that EVERY SINGLE ROME STORY IS PERFECT? Because they ARE.
To Please The Gods Vorenus/Pullo. Saturnalia will make men do the strangest things :D Vorenus is caught between his desires and everything else he knows. Pullo is... Well, Pullo. Win.
Orders. Marc Antony and Lucius Vorenus. Implied slash and really good voices.
Amare et Sapere Vix Deo Conceditur Atia reflecting on her relationship with Marc Antony. Did I mention that this was my story? I loved this so much. Atia stays hard and yet you see her softer side as well.
And so she began to hate Antony as much as she loved him. The two can be so similar. She should know, for she learned to see love in the hate her children so poorly concealed in their eyes.
History Boys
Eight Candles. Posner/Scripps. It's amazing to watch it through these moments at various points in their lives and how their relationship changes and develops through it all. I love how it comes full circle.
Only Just Ordinary. Tesla and Helen at a few different times in their lives.
When All Points From Center Hold. Helen, Watson, Druitt and Nigel Griffen. A wonderful look at the Five.
The Great Game. Letters exchanged between Watson and Tesla while he is in exile and hiding.