Hey everyone!
I've been inactive here for so long.. Never really became active in the first place, but that's a different matter.. LOL! I've actually never posted an update here before! *go looking for a suprised emoticon, but can't find any..*
Anyways, just a little note to whoever might be reading this, I'll try to update on what's happening in my not-so-interesting life reguarly from now on :P And, I'll try to post an update here soon too.. (If I remember how to post things under the cut that is..)
Last thing: the title's just something I wrote in the lack of something better. While trying to log on to LJ today, I first forgot my username, and then I tried these 3-4 different passwords I usually use - and of course the last one tried had to be the right one. Typical.
Lets see how this works out now!
Btw, the emoticon looked kinda cool, I'm not feeling ditzy.. LOL