Title: 'Longtime Coming' (1/1)
Fandom: X-Men (Movie)
Author: deep_salt_water
Pairing/Character: Rogue/Pyro, Rogue/Logan
Disclaimer: The X-Men aren’t mine; they belong to Marvel and 20th Century Fox.
Word Count: 1429
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Logan finally realises he wants Rogue, but discovers she already got herself a lover. Could she accommodate one
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Comments 9
This is exactly what I wanted, Jealous Logan with hot Rogan and Ryro sex to boot!? Makes me one happy fangirl. And adds to your OT3 collection! Thank you.
Thank you for making the request in the first place. It is nice to indulge in some OT3 once in a while. Well, more than nice.
So you're more than welcome. And Happy Birthday once again!
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you know i'm a huge fan ;)
Ya know what I find funny? That Pyro was little mister angsty, when Rogue was with Bobby, but it seems perfectly plausible that he would 'get' her thing with Logan. I try to imagine her, Bobby, and Logan...nope. Cant do it. lol
It seems too easy to lump John in with the 'evil' bit, according to the movie. Almost forced. He didnt blow his stack until Logan got shot at Bobby's house. That doesnt speak of 'evil', that is just an impulse control problem...lol
Would like more. Cuz it was hot, like I said.
There's plenty of stuff that's listed in my fanfic index like Ensnare, C'Mere, etc that deals with the three of them.
And there'll be more to come, but as far as this story is concerned it's a one-shot.
Glad everyone's enjoyed it. Makes me happy.
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