Title: Drunken Mating Rituals
Fandom: X-Men (Movie)
Pairing/Character: Rogue/Pyro
Prompt: #26 - Court
Word Count: 881
Rating: light R
Summary: The three friends have been drinking, but one is passed out, one's clearly drunk, and one's horny. Courting Ritual of sorts ensues.
A/N: The X-Men aren't mine; they belong to Marvel and 20th Century Fox
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Comments 16
Glad you liked it that much!
great fic here.
you wouldnt be thinking up a sequel for once they get there.
great job
Not sure about a sequel yet. Will have to think it over ;)
You have no idea what that line did to me. Leather gloves!!!!!!!!!
I totally agree with the others who said sequel. I wanna see the leather gloves in use!
Small typo btw, "music only she could hair" should be "hear".
That's what you get when posting before going to a wedding. Thanks for picking it up.
And thanks for enjoying it!
Good job, if I do say so myself. I especially like the ending lines - totally added a small smile to my face.
Thanks for fulfilling my request! *much love*
I'd start with thanks!!! *L* Anyway, you're welcome. Thanks for giving me something that could crossover into being used for a prompt!
You do realise it was response #83, right? CRAZY.
So sorry, darling, will try and remember that for a later date.
You're welcome too! Though, srsly, awesome job on this one.
CRAZY's what I do best, you know that. *flails*
Good, good!
Why thank you! I deserve a cookie ;D
*laughs* Yes, yes I do.
*backs away from the crazy to watch at a safe distance*
(The comment has been removed)
FINE! I shall do it...
And yes, you were right. Ugh. So glad I only have one wedding to worry about this year. They kill my brain.
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