Hi all,
I've been working on DS a bit over the past few days, and thought I'd do a release. Most of the changes were made last June and some were done last weekend. Here's what's new:
- Userpic browser.
- Current Location box.
- Works under Firefox 2.0RC1.
- Spellcheck works under Fx2.
- Posting to Blogger with entities or quotation marks shouldn't die anymore.
- Updated About window.
- It should install fine under SeaMonkey now. I'm not sure how it goes under localised builds; will check it out later.
- Pointless Web menu that gets generated from the LJ server (can't localise this).
- Trying to clean up a lot of redundant lines of text in the localisation thing. I'd say I've got about 80% of it. Everything seems to be fine now, but it may have introduced some bugs somewhere that I haven't managed to come across.
- Other small bugfixes, probably new bugs introduced too.
There's some stuff that hasn't been translated in the Italian and Russian versions; anyone that speaks those languages is welcome to give it a go. Other languages to be added in the future:
- Danish
- German
- Spanish
- Albanian
- French
- Portugese
...Just keep getting knocked back though, as the server they're getting stored on keeps eating files.
This will hopefully be the last of the 0.7.x versions. I want to start on 0.8 real soon - the HTML editor will be getting an overhaul that (in theory, but it depends if Firefox wants to die on it or not) should solve a lot of formatting problems, and make it much more flexible. Also there'll be a friends editor. I am having trouble getting started on this though, because I can't think of a decent interface for it. I really hate the Semagic one and the LJ web one. If anyone can think up a good idea for a friends interface and describe it in detail here, I'll see if I can code it.
And mood icon selection'll be in the next one (but not previews). I promise. It should also solve the annoying mood selection problem on OS X.
I think that's about that. If nobody finds any big bugs in this in the next day or so, then I'll update the updater thing and send it into UMO.
Oh yeah,
download here. The usual if-you-get-a-404-error-try-again-later song and dance applies.
Temporary link until download mirrors update.