I just finished the book and it was fantastic. I must say being a foreigner I had a little trouble with the punctuation to begin with but I got used to it and then I could not put it down. Anyway snagged some of your icons because of the quotes.
I have to admit that before the tv miniseries came out in 2004 (2005?), I hadn't read the book. But after watching the serial, I rushed to library to get myself a copy of the book. You know, just to see if they missed much, or just to find out a little more about the charming Miss Margaret or the enigmatic Mr Thornton. And yes, I have to agree - North and South is a fantastic read. Even after watching the show and knowing all the main plot points, I found it absoultely captivating. :D . I didn't really have any difficulty with the punctuation, though I did find the writing style a little rigid at first - perhaps, the style of writing in those days? I'm a huge fan of modern writing i.e. conversation or Jame Patterson-like sentence structure (incredibly short, simple language) but yeah, I have to agree - once I got into it, it didn't matter what style the writing was in, it was all good. lol.
Anywho, I'm glad you liked the use of quotes. Thanks for commenting! :)
Well I just read it as I said so it took me considerably longer. :) There is nothing wrong in reading a book after the TV series comes out. I found difficulty with the punctuation at first because English is not my mother tongue. And I was not accustomed to such long sentences. But as I proceeded t hank God everything turned out for the best. I love reading classics my self. And yes I suppose they can be a bit rigid at times but it does not bother me.
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Anywho, I'm glad you liked the use of quotes. Thanks for commenting! :)
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