I got a surprising amount done today, considering how scattered I felt for most of it. The majority of my accomplishments were small: cooking myself two meals, getting laundry done, getting money and medicine for the slight cold thing I've developed. But there was bigger stuff: beta-ing a twenty page chapter, knitting on a baby hat, and finally, finally starting the career paths thing I've known I needed to do since last week.
I'm irrationally afraid of jobs. At least, the application/interview process, plus the whole being new at something "are they gonna fire me?" uncertainty that comes with starting a new field. That's what I'm trying to do. Despite getting a Master's in Violin Performance, because of it, actually, I'm looking for another field to work in, because I do not like constantly working to find work, which seems to be an integral part of being a musician. Also, performing alone sucks for me, and orchestra musicians do not get paid well. I want a real chance to have a steady income, not be an entrepreneur. Entrepreneurship is great, yes, but not for me, now. Too much work.
And my brain wants to fly off in six different directions, as it has been doing all day. I think I will go to bed. I have a good feeling about writing tomorrow. :)
Sweet dreams.