Today was small. I sat at home and read/played on my computer until I needed to shower, answered three phone calls in the shower (mom took the car I usually use and then found she couldn't get it back in time for me to get to teaching), then had a rather interesting, if one-sided conversation with King about politics and why I don't like them on the way to work. There was teaching, picking up of my check, discovery of certain dates (recitals and performances and rehearsals, oh my goodness), and forgetting my brother Micah parked in the back lot, which led to worry, and then phone calls, and then Dad being very helpful in reminding me to actually look at things before jumping to conclusions. Now I am home once again. My stomach hurts a bit for unknown reasons, and I am unsure who, if anyone, is going to pick up Micah. The internet (mostly Tumblr) has been lovely with laughs and such. Also, I need to practice for next week's rehearsals/performance. I suddenly feel that writing this here is not helping with that goal. I'm going to try to do a bit every day...still need to count all the pieces and see how much to do to have practiced it all two-three times before the first rehearsal. And looking it up/listening on youtube would be an excellent idea, as well. Go Janice go.
The good memory I will share: waking up this morning was rather delicious. Good dream morphed into waking up feeling good. Well rested is possibly the best thing ever.