MySpace = MySun and MyFox

Mar 20, 2006 22:09

Just in case anyone was still under the sadly mistaken impression that it might be groovy and hip, 'MySun', ooops I mean 'MySpace' is officially the saddest most unkewl website in the world...

But hey, life is always fun with The Sun don't ya know.

As much as anything, this demonstrates that Mr Murdoch hasn't quite got the hang of the way the youth market works... any bog standard sociologist could tell him that no self-respecting young cool netizen/blogger/angst-ridden-poser-type wants to be associated a crude, populist right wing establishment newspaper - you hardly need market research to tell you that - who *is* advising this man? Duh?!

Nevertheless, even the Sun probably seems fairly tame compared to the prospect of realising that that cool hip place which houses your life, your identity and all your online flirting regards you as the perfect fodder for the wonderfully, delightfully hip Fox News...

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