Sep 26, 2010 19:42

Hello, everyone! There was a fairly good response to my is-anyone-still-interested post, so here we go...


This will be our first challenge of the relaunced deepspacestills! For this challenge, you may enter icons that feature ANYTHING having to do with Deep Space Nine.

The rules are simple:
+ You can enter up to four icons (each icon from a different image is preferred, but not mandatory)
+You may only use the images provided.
+ LJ standards apply: max 100x100px, less than 40kb, .jpg, .png or .gif
+ Text, brushes, textures and stock images are allowed
+ Blending is allowed, animation is not
+ The icons must be made for the challenge and kept anonymous until it ends
+ Comment to this post with your icon and the URL (do not use Tinypic, as it does not allow linking from anyone outside the US)
+ Icons are due by Friday, October 1 by 10pm EST (View World Clock for different Time Zones).

Good luck, and have fun! Also, if you haven't yet, please check out the slightly revised rules on our profile.

challenge post, chllg: 001, admin

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