DYNESHA!!! You are next to me right now. We are discussing...Mr.Wiggles. By the way I think That Caleb is think the same thing about you. Maybe I'll have to just drop by the corner store sometime and we'll see... Um... but okay I'm gonna go now. Later love ya.
Mr. WIggles is one cool dude!! HaHaHaHaHaHa~ man Robert is an asshole he asked Kaylana if I was moving and she said yeah and he said is she changing schools yayaya but then she was like no and he was like darn!! HaHaHaHa I am ruining his life!!YaYaYaYaYa...We will just have to go to the corner store one cold evening and I will dress really cold and then he will be dressed really warm and he will just have to warm me up...grrrgrrr I am a fistey one!! hahaha...love ya see ya later
HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! That sounds like a good plan. I guess I'll steal your idea and one day we'll have to do the same to Emmanuel.!!!! HEH! Yes fiesty...definitley!
oh yeah a good plan indeed and he will just have to close the Corner Store early and he will never know what hit him ( thats me if you didnt catch that) giggle giggle giggle...And one day you will do that to Emmanuel him and his Mr. Wiggles!! Heh!!!!
DYNESHA!!! You are next to me right now. We are discussing...Mr.Wiggles. By the way I think That Caleb is think the same thing about you. Maybe I'll have to just drop by the corner store sometime and we'll see... Um... but okay I'm gonna go now. Later love ya.
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