A Conservative government.... :o( We are soooooooo screwed. I'm going to go and sulk and listen to Bruce Cockburn's If I Had A Rocket Launcher..............a bullet only costs $2...please someone put us Canadians out of our misery.
Dear Canada, We are soooooooooooo screwed. I'm not voting because we all know Ontario gets to decide the fate for the rest of the country. We are going straight to hell in a handbasket.
For all those who don't live in Canada and need a little enlightenment, you can read a short yet humorus summary of what is about to happen to our government at <
Hello all! Clay has a request of all of my LJ buddies........ He wrote a game for windows called Chisai Sudoku and would like you all to play it and leave some feedback. Here is the link:
If any of you ever get a chance to watch Comedy Inc....WATCH IT!!! I almost p'd my pants laughing at it it was so funny! I have never seen Canadian Comedy beat come in close comparison or better than old school Saturday Night Live (because we know the recent SNL is straight up mental and needs to be taken off the air).
My mom really loved his music. It is asad that he sucuumbed to lung/brain cancer. He is in a better place now and I feel bad for his family that he has left behind. :o(