Title: 325km - (The Distance Between Friendship and Love)
late_dawns19Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 12,318
Warning(s): None
Summary: Jinyoung had never been to Seoul. Jaebum wanted to show the boy he loved the city he loved.
A/N: 325 Kilometres is the distance between Busan and Seoul.
part one |
two He felt like he was floating, the gentle rocking of his body lulling into a deeper state than he already was. It was a given that if you put Im Jaebum into a car, he was going to fall asleep. He was tired, being a rookie idol, it took a lot out of a person. And after ending a successful first promotion, he was gifted with two weeks off before he had to start preparing for his next release. So, to celebrate his success, he picked up the phone and called his family. He had missed them desperately, so after a lot of arranging and pleading his manager. He packed up his things and was on his way in the car to his home town, Busan.
Suddenly jolting forward in his seat, Jaebum woke with a start, blinking blearily around as he ran a hand through his blond hair, making it stick up in various directions. It took a few moments for his eyes to adjust but when they did a beaming smile spread across his face. The sea air wafted into the car through an open window, causing the idol to sigh happily as he looked out over the sea. His manager gave a soft chuckle as he pulled himself from the driver's seat with a soft groan. "Yah, Hyung~" Called Jaebum over the roof of the car as he climbed out, stretching his back as he pulled his arms up over his head to complete the stretch, "Did you have to wake me up so....abruptly?". His question falling on deaf ears as the other male gave a loud snort and waved him off, "If I didn't you'd never do anything." he replied, his tone of voice playful as he moved over to the boot of the car to retrieve their cases. "You wouldn't want to miss your grandmother and her cooking , right? Because if you are too tired I can just put you to bed and I can go enjoy it myself."
Letting out whine, Jaebum dragged himself to beside the older male before giving him a hard shove. "You are so stifling sometimes, Hyung. And you wonder why I always pull pranks on you. If I didn't you' would be so boring..." He quipped before giving a soft 'oof' as a suitcase was thrust into his chest none too gently. "Yah, Hyung! Don't damage me, If you do I won't get any work." he said with a frown as he followed his manager down the pathway to the little house nestled in a tight corner.
"Good then I would get someone who wouldn't cause me so much hassle." was the answer he was given as the older male rang the doorbell. Jaebum would have retorted rudely and he was set to when the front door flew open and he was being pulled into the house by various hands. It wasn't until he stopped that he realised not only had his coat been removed but so had his shoes and he was being pulled into a hug by his grandmother. "Hey..." he said softly and he leaned forward bending in half to make it easier for the shorter woman, wrapping his arms around her little frame, "I'm home."
Hearing her laughter was music to his ears, he had really missed his grandmother. When he was told he was moving away from his grandmother so his father could take a promotion, Jaebum ran to her in floods of tears and spouting promise after promise about how he wouldn't leave her and how he refused to be so far away from everyone he loved. He remembered how she had sat him down and ruffled his hair and told him that it was going to be okay before taking him home and talking with her son and daughter-in-law.
"Have you been eating young man?" said the elderly woman as she poked Jaebum in the stomach softly, "You are all skin and bones! That will never do. Come on."
Laughing as his grandmother pulled through the house, Jaebum followed after her. He felt so light. After so many months of gruelling hours of dance practice, vocal practices and recordings. The blond finally felt like he could be himself. Not JB, his stage person but Im Jaebum, the young man who was raised in Busan before he moved to Seoul with his family and was discovered.
Voices shook him out of his thoughts, looking up to see where he was and the sight that greeted him took his breath away.
In his grandmother's back garden, was his family. His mother and father where there. Running to them, Jaebum wrapped his arms around his mother, burying himself in her hair and inhaling her soft, soothing scent. God, he had missed her. Even living in the same place as his parents, his demanding schedule kept him from going home. Feeling his fathers hand land on his shoulder, Jaebum reached back to place his hand over that of his fathers. He missed them both so much. The young idol had refused to speak to his father for months after he moved. He blamed him for everything. For the move, for making him leave his grandmother.
"Welcome back, Jaebummie." came a voice he never thought he would hear again, a smile spreading across his face.
For making him leave him.
Turning his head, Jaebum felt his smile grow bigger as he looked at one that mirrored his own. The other male was a sight for sore eyes. "Thank you Jinyoungie" he replied as he pulled away from his parents and practically ran to his old friend. "How have you been? It's been so long!" He asked excitedly as he looked Jinyoung over secretly. He had gotten taller, though he still wasn't as tall as him. His smile had not changed at all, it was the same one that managed to always pick up Jaebum up no matter what mood he was in. It always filled him with warmth and it always made him smile back.
"I'm good, Jaebum. It's been a long time." replied Jinyoung, handing the blond a small glass, leaning back against the table before giving the other a playful smile, "We have a lot to catch up on." . Giving a soft laugh, Jaebum nodded before chinking the rim of his glass against Jinyoung's. "I'll toast to that." laughed Jaebum.
_ _ _
Leaning back against the wooden porch, sighing happily as he held his glass out loosely as Jinyoung poured him yet another drink. Everyone else had gone home hours ago, but the two reunited friends decided to move on to Jinyoung's house, sitting in his backyard like they did as kids, staying up way too late to watch the sky change hues from blues to reds, pinks and finally to to a petrol blue. "So, Jinyoungie, what have you been doing with yourself?" asked the blond as he took a swig of the clear liquid, grimacing slightly at the after burn before looking at the other to his right.
Jaebum watched as Jinyoung's face morphed into a soft, wistful smile as he swilled the liquid in his glass before taking a sip. "I've been running the family business. It's a lot of work but someone has to do it." replied Jinyoung as he looked over at Jaebum. Turning to look at the other, Jaebum mouth pulled down into a soft frown as he looked at the other, confusion evident on his face. Sighing, Jinyoung swallowed thickly before taking a sip of his drink, looking back out across the backyard as he spoke. "My father. He passed away last year." Jaebum stilled at the others words. His father had died? Turning to face Jinyoung fully, Jaebum frowned. "When?" He said softly, placing his glass on the decking. "Just after you where announced to début." was the answer he was given as he watched the others face morph in a small sad smile. "He wasn't a well man. You know he wasn't a healthy guy."
"Why didn't you tell me?" asked Jaebum his mind reeling. He had just learnt that the man he called his second father had passed away, to say he was heartbroken was an understatement. Tears collected in his eyes as he watched the other fidget and his jaw set slightly. "You kind of stopped emailing me back. You never returned my calls. Only now do i know it was because you were training to be an idol...I was mad Jaebummie, I thought you had forgotten me." replied the younger of the two as he looked up at the blond, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you." he offered as he took Jaebum's hand in his own, tugging him into an awkward hug. It had been years since they had hugged but to Jaebum, it had never changed. Burying his nose into the others shoulder like he did as a kid, he inhaled the others scent. He always smelt of soap, Jinyoung would make Jaebum wash his hands before he was allowed to leave the kitchen at his house. They all were overly careful with how sick Jinyoung's father was. Any infection would have been ten times worse for him. So for him to still smell so clean. It must have become a habit for him. Pulling back from the hug, Jaebum caught a glint of something in the others eye before he had even opened his mouth. "So, what is Seoul like?" he asked, his eyes bright with curiosity as he looked to the rookie idol for answers. Giving a soft laugh as he leaned back on his hands, "It's everything we imagined, Jinyoungie. The lights, the sounds, the shopping. It's all there! Though I miss the sea when I am there. It's not like being here and having to get the boat to our house." he exclaimed his arm flailing wildly at the night sky as he tried to paint the picture for his best friend "I wish you could see it."
Turning back to face Jinyoung, who sighed softly, "It sounds wonderful Jaebum." said Jinyoung as he climbed to his feet with a soft groan, swaying softly on the spot slightly and fell silent as he looked in front of him. Jaebum was about to offer an idea when his best spoke up, "Hey...." said the younger as he turned around with a nostalgic smile, "....Remember the time capsule we buried?"
A laugh sprang from Jaebum's mouth as he pushed himself to his feet, he had forgotten about that. "Is it still there?" he asked curiosity filling his eyes as he made his way to the other, "Shall we dig it up?" Nodding his head, Jinyoung nudged his shoulder against the others. "Well,...yeah. We said we would when we made it big stars in Seoul. I haven't got there yet but you are the eldest, I'll get there one day."
"Jinyoung...I..." Started Jaebum before he was cut off by the other raising his hand. The look in his eyes was enough to shut the Idol up. Jinyoung had always had that in him. Something to do with being born and bred in Busan. Unlike Jaebum, who moved to Busan when he was six months old. "Jaebum, don't...I will get there." said the black haired boy, a note of finality in his voice. Jaebum didn't need to question that, when Jinyoung set his mind to something he always went through with it. No matter how long it took him to reach his goal. "I'll go grab the shovel, you go to the spot." Jinyoung instructed before he started off in the direction of the house where his mother kept her shovel.
Nodding sheepishly, Jaebum stepped slightly as he raised a hand to rub at the back of his neck as he looked along the garden from his spot. "Where did we bury it again?” he asked sheepishly as he looked over to his best friend.
Laughing at the blond, Jinyoung made his way back over to him. "Over by the tree? Remember the one you almost broke your neck proving you could climb to the top of." he said playfully before knocking his knuckles against Jaebum's temple softly and laughed, "Did becoming an idol turn your brains to mush Jaebummie."
Pushing the black haired male away softly, Jaebum pulled a face at the other before laughing. "Yeah, yeah...so it's still under the tree right?" he asked over his shoulder. The laugh that met his ears was simply musical unlike his own bark-like, explosion of a laugh. "Yes, Jaebum." he replied exasperatedly, "You know, I missed your thoroughness."
The warmth that spread through the blond's chest caused a wide smile to spread over his face as he made his way over to the tree at the bottom of the garden. It wasn't as large as he remembered, but then he wasn't fifteen any more. Pressing his hand against the bark of the tree, Jaebum laughed at the memories that came flooding back. The countless of afternoons spent under the large tree. It was supposed to be an apple tree, that was what he recalled Jinyoung's older sister saying one day in late summer to his ten year old self. Flashes of memories, passed right by his eyes. The day he fell out of the tree, his cries piercing the early evening, Jinyoung's dramatic calls for help to his mother and sisters inside to help Jaebum. He was lucky to walk away with just his left arm broken in four places, he remembered the paramedics saying. Though he wasn't sure he could agree, his recovery was painful, the result of having two pins in his left arm whilst the bones fused. The only good thing about his broken arm, was the visits from Jinyoung, who always came with his favourite ice cream to cheer him up. He never told him then but he really was thankful for Jinyoung during that time. He helped him with his homework, played video games with him and fashion him a scratching stick so he could scratch his arm whenever it got itchy. Jinyoung was a keeper from that day on to Jaebum. It was when he realised just how much the other meant to him. "Found it yet?" came a voice that shook Jaebum out of his thoughts. "Er...no not yet?" He replied, thankful that it was coming in dark, as he willed the blush that has blossomed across his cheeks to disappear.
Jinyoung gave a laugh and Jaebum felt his cheeks darken further. So much for it disappearing any time soon. Nudging the other with his hip, Jaebum moved so he could continue feel the bark of the tree. It would of been much easier to do this, with daylight and no alcohol in his system. But if Jaebum was anything, he was determined. "Where the he-" He huffed in annoyance before his fingers met something that caused a wide smile to spread across his face as he slowly turned to face his best friend. His face mirroring Jaebum's with the same smile. There still in the tree, was the arrow Jaebum had engraved into the tree just before he left, so they would never forget where it was buried.
Laughing in disbelief that it was still there. Jaebum opened his mouth to speak when a faint vibrating could be heard. Reaching for his own pocket, before sensing movement. Watching as his best friend pulled his phone from his pocket, the smile on his face bright before looking back at the blond. "It's nothing, it can wait." said Jinyoung as he pushed the small device back into his pocket before holding out the shovel to Jaebum, "Want to do the honours?" he asked softly, wiggling the shovel slightly encouraging a laugh from the rookie idol.
"Sure, why not?"laughed the elder of the two best friends as he plucked the shovel out of the others hand. Taking it in two hands, he struck the ground. Smiling as the tip of the shovel sliced through the earth like butter, "Soil is still good underneath this tree." he remarked as he moved the sod to one side before returning to the hole and sinking the shovel in once again, digging the hole deeper as the other cheered him on from his spot leant against the tree. "You could help me, you know..." grumbled Jaebum after a few minutes, sweat beading on his brow.
Smiling playfully, Jinyoung shook his head as he watched the blonds face crumple into a scowl, "Why would I do that, when you are doing such a great job." sang the younger playfully, causing the blond to grumble slightly. "You can do it!". Pulling a face at the shorter, Jaebum resumed his work, his face splitting into an excited grin as the shovel connected with something hard, causing a soft thud. Placing the shovel down, Jaebum dug the small metal tin out of the earth. "What will your stylist say when they see your nails when you go back." joked Jinyoung as he knelt down next to him as he pulled the tin from the ground. "Screw them. Look at this! I can't believed it stayed intact." he exclaimed as he sat back off of his hunches and onto his backside as he cradled the tin carefully in his hands. "Well, it has been packed in the ground for years." replied Jinyoung cheekily before giving the other a push, "Well...open it! Don't just stare at it."
Laughing as he turned the tin around in his palm, Jaebum prised open the lid. The smile on his face growing wider as the lid finally gave way and popped open, it's contents coming to view. Jinyoung gave a laugh as he dipped his hand into the tin, pulling out a snapback he had placed in there. "Remember this?" He asked as he held out the hat for the blond to see. "Course I do, I was the one who got pummelled trying to get it back off of that bigger kid when he took it off your head in the park." laughed the rookie idol as he took the hat into his hands. "It's how we met." he added with a fond smile, his eyes growing soft as he regaled the memory to the forefront of his mind before dipping his hand into the tin himself. Lifting out a trophy, Jinyoung let out a soft laugh. "I remember this." He said softly as he took the trophy from the blond. Turning it over in his hands, Jinyoung smiled softly as he ran his hands over the engraved letters on the plaque. "Our first competition together. I still remember that team's faces when they thought we couldn't dance together." he laughed before nudging the other, "Do you remember the routine? I still do. I think we practised it enough times."
Laughing as he remembered the competition, Jaebum sighed happily. It was the first dance competition that Jinyoung had agreed to join him. The younger of the two boys hadn't always been completely focused on dancing. The others lack of discipline drove Jaebum mad, though those feelings where short lived as Jinyoung's passion grew for dance not long after his elder sister moved out. "It was hard but we made it work." the blond concluded as he dropped his hand on the others shoulder, giving it a soft squeeze, "Your dad was so proud. I don't think I ever saw him smile as bright as he did that night when we were announced winners."
Jaebum watched the sad smile flit across the others face, the longing in Jinyoung's eyes was almost too much for him to handle. "I miss him. I'm glad he got to see us perform."
Watching as the other placed the trophy down carefully, Jaebum peeked back into the box frowning in confusions slightly as he pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. "What's this..." he mumbled before pulling off the sticker and unfurling it. A soft laugh fell from his lips as he opened it up more. "Our map..." he said softly, causing the other male to look over and let out a small laugh of his own. "I can't believe it survived all this time. I thought it would have rot or something." laughed the other as he scooted closer to Jaebum so he could see the map more clearly. Looking over the map, Jaebum couldn't help but laugh at all the small red dots and the small pink dots that where scattered over the map of South Korea. "All the places we have been and where we want to go." He said to no one in particular as he ran his fingers over a red dot. "Looks like we can cross off the big one now. Since you live there now." Jinyoung mentioned as he tapped the giant gold star stuck over where Seoul resided on the map causing Jaebum to pull a face. "No, I can't not until you have been there too." He replied stubbornly as he shook his head slightly as he looked over at the other. He watched as Jinyoung's face flitted from one emotion to another before it settled on one of resignation. "I doubt I will ever see Seoul. Not now that I have to run the company.” mumbled the black haired male as his shoulders slumped slightly. “I have so much to do, the company was in an awful mess when I became CEO. Jaebum...I don't think I will ever get there. I have two weeks to take for holidays and I don't know when I will take it. "
Sighing through his nose, Jaebum looked down at the map. He really wanted to show the other the city he had grown to love so much.
Sighing through his nose, Jaebum looked down at the map. He really wanted to show the other the city he had grown to love so much. He sat there for a few moments, his eyes trained on the gold star on the map. The memories of the last few years of experiences without other came to the front of his mind. His first time seeing Seoul from the top of Namsan Tower, and the journey up to the top. Passing driving test. Wait....he passed his driving test.
All at once the idea came to mind. Smiling brightly at the idea as it settled in his head. Nodding his head once, he turned to his best friend. "You should come back with me tomorrow. I'll drive us back." suggested the blonde as he watched the others face for his reaction. He knew there was a chance the other would flat out refuse but he had to ask. "You can stay at my place. I have a room-mate but he definitely will be okay with it. He'll probably be thankful of some company other than myself."
Watching the others face, Jaebum could see how torn the other had become. "Look, Jinyoung, I want to spend time with you. Make up for lost time and show you the city we have dreamed of." Added Jaebum as he moved closer to the other, his excited grin getting wider as hope shined in his eyes as he could see the others resolve crumble. "How about? If you come with me and if the company needs you. I will send you back on the train. Express, hm?"
The sigh that escaped the others lips was all Jaebum needed to hear to know that he had won out against the other conscience. He had heard time and time before when they were kids whenever his younger self had come up with some hair-brained scheme to make some extra money for ice creams or new stuff for their dance practices. Smiling at the other as he muttered a soft 'okay' Jaebum let out a whoop which caused the other to give an eye roll. "Something's never change." Muttered Jinyoung as he punched his friend in the shoulder playfully. Letting out a laugh, Jaebum shook his head "I guess not" he replied fondly.
As more alcohol was poured and details discussed. Jaebum watched as his best friends eyes began to droop under the weight of the effects of alcohol and too much work. "I think...we should go to bed. I'll come by to pick you up tomorrow afternoon and we shall set off." suggested the blond as he swayed slightly as he stood, holding out his hand for his best friend to take and then hoisting him up when the other took it. Jaebum laughed slightly as he watched the other sway dangerously on the spot as his eyes closed for more than a second. "Come on, Let's get you to bed." said the idol as he guiding the other inside the house, Jinyoung giving him a grunt as an affirmative.
Once he was sure the other was safely tucked into bed and in no danger to himself, Jaebum made his way back to his grandmothers house. Walking the familiar route back, he felt nostalgic as he thought back to all the time he had walked back this late at night after sneaking out. Looking up to the sky, Jaebum felt his smile turn soft as he counted the endless amounts of stars. Busan always did have an amazing view of the stars, less congestion and less pollution meant clearer skies. But then they always say that home is the best.
Giving the stars one last look, Jaebum pushed open the gate to the house before walking up the garden path and into the house. He had a lot to tell his family and since he was now leaving tomorrow, he thought it best to give them the heads up as well as ring his best friend's sisters to let them know of the plan. It was going to be a long time before he could go to sleep but the end result would be worth it. He would get to spend time with Jinyoung. Showing him the city that he had fallen in love with.
Finally falling back into his bed, Jaebum looked up at the ceiling as he settled back against his pillows.He was going to bed spending the next two weeks with his best friend. He couldn't believe that Jinyoung still saw him as a friend. Pulling his phone out, he quickly sent a text to his room-mate. 'Youngjae-ah, I'm coming home tomorrow...I'm bringing someone back with me. You'll love him. I'm driving back so it will take a few days. See you soon.'
Throwing his phone to one side, the blond sighed happily before turning over and letting sleep take him, the smile still on his face, excited for the journey ahead of him.
_ _ _
Throwing the last of his luggage into the back of his car, Jaebum gave a groan as he stood back, rubbing his head softly as he looked at into the open boot. Thankfully, his years playing Tetris had paid off as he had managed to pack the car with space to spare for Jinyoung even with the extra baggage of cooked food his grandmother as sending back for Youngjae and himself. With one last nod, Jaebum shut the boot with a slam before hopping into the driver's seat and setting off toward's his best friends house, ignoring the butterflies that where on a rampage in his stomach. The drive to Jinyoung's wasn't that long, so within a blink of an eye Jaebum was sat outside honking his horn before leaning back in his seat to wait for the younger male to appear with his things.
He didn't have to wait long because before he knew it, Jinyoung was walking down towards him, his phone pressed between his ear and his shoulder as he manoeuvred his suitcase into the back seat of the car. The hushed conversation in a mix of english and korean bounced around the car causing Jaebum to frown slightly out of curiosity. Who was Jinyoung talking to? Was he seriously taking to a associate for work? Whoever it was, Jaeum felt a growing distaste for them.
"See you soon" said Jinyoung, his english superior to Jaebum's own, before ending the call and turning to the blond, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "So... Are you ready to go, Jaebum?" he asked the blond, bouncing in his seat.
The others excitement was infectious and it caused a chuckle to rumble in the blond's chest as he turned the key in the car's ignition and changed the gear into reverse. "I am Jinyoungie. Lets get going, we don't want to hit traffic. I thought we would stop along the way and grab something to eat." replied the idol distractedly as he moved the car out of the others driveway, "I know of a good place on the way." he added as he turned down the lane, making his way down out of the small village in his home town and towards the highway. "Sounds like a plan. When will be in Seoul?" Asked Jinyoung, his eyes alight with excitement and nerves as his eyes flickered around the inside of the car. Jaebum watched his out of the corner of his eye, flicking them up into the rear view mirror to catch the others gaze. "We'll be there in about two days. It's too far to drive after a late night like we had last night." he answered with a lopsided smile as he watched the others eyes turn up into crescents as Jinyoung let out a soft laugh. "...so next time we decide to do anything like this again....why don't we give ourselves a day before we go." added the elder encouraging another laugh out of the other. "Oh look the sign...." yelled Jinyoung excitedly, “This is the first time in years I have seen it....”
Looking over slightly at the others statement, Jaebum gave a soft laugh as he watched as they passed the giant, almost decrepit sign announcing brightly that they leaving the city. "Yeah..." He said softly, "Bye bye Busan, see you again soon." He said playfully, lifting one hand off of the steering wheel to wave slightly as they passed. The laughter falling from his younger companion made him feel fuzzy and warm. This journey with Jinyoung was going to be a good one. Jaebum could feel it in his bones, not even the giant purple cloud that was creeping over the blue sky was going to dampen his spirit.
_ _ _
After about an hour on the road, Jinyoung gave a loud yawn, his back arching off the seat as he gave an almighty stretch before turning his head to look over at his blond best friend. "Jaebummie," started the younger before stopping. Turning his gaze away from the road for a moment, Jaebum looked over to the other and gave a soft smile. "What's wrong, Jinyoung?" he asked as he looked back to the road, switching lanes easily as they pass various exits. Feeling the other shuffle in his seat beside him, Jaebum could tell Jinyoung was about to say something that he knew he wouldn't like. "I have a confession to make.."Started Jinyoung sheepishly, "I...I met someone about seven months ago...And.....well, I may have arranged to meet him when we get to Seoul. I hope you don't mind."
As the other began to speak, Jaebum felt his heart sink in his chest. With each word the other said, Jaebum felt his hands tighten on the steering wheel, progressively getting more and more tense. "Oh..." He replied curtly, "When are you meeting him?" Jaebum asked quietly as he dropped a hand from the wheel to shift gears stiffly, before placing it back on the wheel before looking over to the other quickly. He must have looked livid because as he connected gazes with Jinyoung, the other visibly flinched before stuttering out a 'sorry'. Softening his features slightly, Jaebum sighed heavily before looking back at the road, "It's okay, Jinyoungie. I'm not mad. I just thought i would get to spend the whole holiday with you, that's all. But if you want to meet this guy then we'll go meet him, Okay? I won't let you go alone." Replied the idol with a soft smile.
The smile that Jinyoung gifted him with was breathtaking. "Thank you." cheered the younger as he continued to smile at Jaebum. He really was beautiful and Jaebum couldn't help but smile back. The other always had a way of making him forget what he was feeling and make a warmth spread through his chest. "It's nothing, you are my best friend. I just want you to be happy." replied the blond as he pressed his foot on the accelerator slightly, surging the car forward causing Jinyoung to let out a soft whoop. "You know, you are the best best friend I could ever want, Jaebum." offered Jinyoung which encouraged Jaebum to let out a playful gag. "Hey! I'm being genuine here!" shouted the other as he lightly slapped Jaebum's shoulder as a pout formed on his lips, "Don't make me regret coming on this trip."
Laughing at Jinyoung's adorable pout, Jaebum smiled over at his friend as he changed gear and shifted slightly in his seat. "How about we stop for some food, hm? I'm hungry." Suggested the blond, steering the conversation away from possibly turning back. He knew Jinyoung, he knew that he would soon feel bad about leaving his responsibilities behind and want to go back. "I could go for food..." Came a small voice a few moments later, "I haven't eaten since i woke up. I just packed and sorted everything out for the trip.". Humming softly as he looked at the signs as they passed by, Jaebum nodded softly, "I was forced into eating something by my grandmother." he replied sheepishly as he pulled into a exit and towards a rest stop. "But I could totally go for a bowl of ramyun or something."
"You can always go for a bowl of ramyun." Retorted the younger playfully before letting out a soft snort. "I guess something's don't change."
Laughing as he pulled into the rest stop, Jaebum nodded. "I can't deny that. You know me well, Jinyoung," He admitted before turning off the car and turning to the other with a playful grin."Come on, time to eat. My treat." he added, only to laugh loudly as the other gave a whoop of delight as he climbed out of the car.
part one |