*obligatory info dump post* XD I'm actually going to try and hold back on any ZX Advent spoilers, but know there still may be one or two floating around. Consider it motivation for going out and getting the game ;P
Name: Grey
Age: Unknown. His physical age is about 15, though
Height: Unknown; personally I see him at about 5'5"
Weight: No clue 8D;;
Body Type:
Thin and waif-ish Hair: Spiky, eternally messy, and... grey. XD
Eyes: Green. Very, VERY green
Clothing Style: Uhhh... Unusual, even for the weird clothing in the ZX timeline. Possibly unable to remove the apparatus around his neck (the red armored thing in the picture, with the cables) which he was hanging from/with in the tube he was originally kept in.
Speaking Style: Somewhat reserved, although he'll open up in speech style and general demeanor the more he's comfortable with someone
Demeanor: Again, somewhat closed and shy, although he's very curious. He's generally nice, and likes to help people whenever possible (although sometimes it may be that he feels obligated to).
Job: Unofficial Hunter (legit bounty hunters in the ZX world, as opposed to the Raiders which are illegal Hunters)
Best Qualities: He's helpful and nice
Worst Qualities: He's quiet, and a bit unsure of himself
Weaknesses: His heart
Hobbies: Unknown
Talents: Unknown, right now (I'm sure Hobbies and Talents will be filled the more I RP him)
Biography: Grey is a Reploid who was woken up in a mysterious lab in an undisclosed location, called a Defective and attacked; he just barely escaped with his own skin. Since then he's been looking everywhere for hints as to who he really is, which is compounded by the fact that he doesn't seem to be listed in any official database.
Grey and Model A met on a mission with the Hunters, who were transporting the Biometal model to Legion Headquarters for a bounty. The same people who attacked Grey in the labs have come back, demanding Model A; only through Megamerging with him (see cutscene at end of entry) did Grey fend them off, and together they now try to puzzle out the holes in both their histories.
A note for the psychics: Grey has no memories of himself, so you might not get much of anything by probing into his head xD
What's okay to mention: Anything, really
Abilities: Grey has no real abilities of his own; Model A, however, and by extension their combined form has the ability to absorb the DNA of a defeated enemy and become them, to use their attacks
Shapeshift/bodyswap: Sure xDD
Maim/murder/death: You can wound him and batter him, but no death
Kissing/hugging/other friendly nonviolent contact: Sure, go ahead XD ^^
Badtouch: Uhhh no.
Easiest way to get on his good side: Be a nice person in general
Easiest way to get on his bad side: Threaten him
Favorite person: Unknown
Favorite person met on the comm: Hasn't been around long enough
Prefers: Unknown
(20 Things coming once I RP him more)
My absolute favorite cutscene from the game (no spoilers, don't worry)