People like this guy make me sick. Does war suck? Yes. Is it usually for the wrong reasons? Yes. Do we stick our noses into places we shouldn't? Yes. It's the American way. No offense to the Tillman family, but why is Pat Tillman's death so much more important than the death of any other small town kid in this war? My brother is on his third tour in Iraq. Does it make me sad and angry that he has to keep going back? Yes, but he's in the military. That's what the military does. They fight regardless of whether or not they should because that's their job. Instead of making their sacrifice a joke and whining about how they died for the wrong reasons, how about celebrating their life as a hero? Whether they believed in the cause or not, they gave the ultimate sacrifice and put others lives ahead of theirs. It's like firefighters...Do you think they ever look at house that's burning down and say, "Hmmm. These people aren't worth saving."? Heck no. They walk into the fire because that's what they do and what they believe
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Obviously you're not over there being shot at and washing the blood and brains of your friends off your clothing. You've also likely never served in the military. You're here and safe from the horrors these soldiers must endure
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No. I'm not being shot at and washing my friends blood out of my clothes. And I thank god everyday that there are an amazing group of people that put others lives before mine so that I may be safe from the horrors they face everyday. I understand that Kevin's overall message is that instead of marching in protest in our birkenstocks we should make sure we vote next week, but you're also missing the message that I'm trying to say. Should a soldier that wakes up everyday wondering if he'll make it through to the next evening care about getting a little piece of home, a little piece if innocence? At that moment, probably not. But maybe, for a split second, that soldier forgets that he's sitting in a foxhole in the sand, tired, dirty, and unsure of what the day will bring. And that 6 year old will learn to love that un-named service man or woman. And maybe one day, when he or she is serving, he/she will get a letter from a little child and remember their innocence
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