Challenge: It's time again to pick your players for the next True Blood Bingo! Bingo will begin Saturday 18th at 12 PM EST. (Please always make sure to note the time: I am going to try to switch up the Bingo times so people in different time zones/periods can play - this challenge will run all Saturday. This will not always be the case, so pay attention to the information in each challenge!)
Below the cut are a list of many True Blood characters, actors, episodes, etc. What I want you to do is comment with 10 of them. Pick whatever you like.
Starting Saturday 9/18 at 12 PM EST, I will draw 5 random names. Then every 15 minutes, I will draw 5 more. When all 10 of the names you have picked are chosen by me, you cry out BINGO (in a comment, I won't hear you in your apartment ;)
First Bingo: 75 points
Second Bingo: 50 points
Third Bingo: 40 points
Fourth Bingo: 25 points
Fifth Bingo: 20 points
Having a Bingo: 15 points
(IMPORTANT: This is new! After Bingo ends, you will have three days to link me to your Bingo card if you had a bingo and were not around to call it/were too late in calling it. I will not be checking automatically. If you do not link me to your winning Bingo card by the deadline given, you do not earn extra points for it)
And also, 10 points for just participating! It just doesn't get ANY easier!
Rules/Deadline: Once you submit your 10, you can edit your comment. BUT!! Once I start drawing names, you may no longer edit your comment (you will be disqualified) OR comment with your 10, so do this soon!
9 Crimes
Adele Stackhouse
Alcide Herveaux
Amy Burley
Andy Bellefleur
Arlene Fowler
Bad Blood
Barry the Bellboy
Beautifully Broken
Beyond Here Lies Nothin'
Bill Compton
Bon Temps
Bud Dearborn
Burning House of Love
Calvin Norris
Carmilla Hotel
Coby Fowler
Cold Ground
Colonel John Flood
Crystal Norris
Daphne Landry
Dawn Green
Debbie Pelt
Denise Rattray
Denis O'Hare
Dr. Ludwig
Eddie Gauthier
"Eggs" Benedict Tally
Eric Northman
Escape from Dragon House
Everything is Broken
Evil is Going On
Felton Norris
The First Taste
The Fourth Man in the Fire
Franklin Mott
Fresh Blood
Grabbit Kwik
Hadley Hale
Hard-Hearted Hannah
Hitting the Ground
Holly Cleary
Hoyt Fortenberry
I Don't Wanna Know
I Got a Right to Sing the Blues
I Smell a Rat
It Hurts Me Too
I Will Rise Up
Jane Bodehouse
Janice Herveaux
Jason Stackhouse
Jessica Hamby
Jesus Velasquez
Joe Lee Mickens
Keep the Party Going
Kevin Ellis
Kitch Maynard
Lafayette Reynolds
Lettie Mae Thornton
Lisa Fowler
Lizzy Caplan
Lorena Krasiki
Luke McDonald
Lynn Collins
Mack Rattray
Maryann Forrester
Maudette Pickens
Maxine Fortenberry
Melinda Mickens
Mike Spencer
Miss Jeanette
Nan Flanagan
Neil Jones
Never Let Me Go
New Orleans
New World in My View
Night on the Sun
Nothing But the Blood
Pam De Beaufort
Plaisir D'Amour
Randi Sue
Release Me
Rene Lenier
Royce Alan Williams
Ruby Jean Reynolds
Russell Edgington
Sam Merlotte
Sarah Newlin
Shake and Fingerpop
Sid Matt Lancaster
Sookie Stackhouse
Sophie-Ann LeClerq
Sparks Fly Out
Steve Newlin
Strange Love
Sue Ann Merlotte
Tara Thornton
Terry Bellefleur
Time Bomb
To Love is to Bury
Tommy Mickens
Uncle Bartlett
You Will be the Death of Me
ATTENTION: I've taken out the actors names and the book titles - the Bingo list was getting a bit out of hand ;) All that's left is characters, episodes and places. If I've missed one, let me know! And remember: be diverse with your picks!