Current State: "sdlikhafk;jsafh 8|" She's... a little frustrated, but she does have a solid goal to work towards. For a while her goal was "love my Toaster-chan tenderly." That's still a goal, but now she ALSO has the goal of "see about getting home alive." "Beat Phoenix with a stick lovingly" and "make sure Dahlia doesn't daterape any more kittens." That last one kis kind of the most important one. Now that we have a Dahlia (and sdlfhsdldkhj a good Dahlia) Mia is going to be on alert pretty constantly. There's no legal system here, and thus no way to really beat her. It's a completely different game than she's used to playing. but, y'know, she still knows that Dahlia is a useless bitch who can never win at anything. So she's confident that she can keep her in line.
Plans for the Future: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnone that I can think of? I was thinking a little about talking to Yuuko, but I would want to actually read a bit of the series first |D
Posts to be Made: None planned at the moment
OOC Things: Still my primary. Not going anywhere. Canon mates kick ass. :|b
Current State: Aang is, as always, a mix of a little nervous about saving the world, mostly zen with his destiny, and very excited to ride giant monster that want to kill him. Right now he's super excited to get to hang out with Zuko and be friends. Their relationship is a LITTLE different than how it is progressing in the show, but on the other hand, this Aang never got CROSSROADS OF DESTINY'd. If time really isn't passing, he's fine with staying here as long as it takes them all to get home.
Plans for the Future: Canon update via epic foodfight? Learn firebending by dancing around Hatori Sohma?
Posts to be Made: I'm going to ignore this bit, because if I post, I post spontaneously when I have a really, really bad idea.
OOC Things: Even though I think I play a pretty good Aang, I can't help but feel that I'm letting my spam-happy canon down a bit. He's really hard to play unless I'm in the mood, and I'm kind of always second-guessing my comments. There is ALSO no way I will drop him in the foreseeable future, because I do love him with each and every one of my feelings. He's just my hardest character to play, but I have so many threads with him I love. So.
Current State: He's... Akio. He'd like to get back to Ohtori, but there are still quite a number of interesting things happening here.
Plans for the Future: I really, really want to restart the duels. Not as a "weekend" but as a plot that would involve a limited number of players (some who aren't canon mates, obviously!) and it would be ongoing. Just... something underneath the daily CFUD afairs, as it is in canon. I think I could do this without a rose bride, or with some kind of stand-in for the rose bride, but the problem would be that if we ever DID get an Anthy (I WANT AN ANTHY SO BAD YOU GUYS T___T) that I would feel awkward about starting that sort of plot without talking to the player, or even worry that such a plot would discourage a potential Anthy. But I would be very, very sad if the Utena cast played themselves out without ANY system of duels happening.
Posts to be Made: Take Mitsuru for a ride in the Akiomobile
OOC Things: none o/
Lal Mirch
Current State: Uh... everyone she ever loved is dead and she's dying of everything cancer. But at least she gets to hang out with all the dead babies. :Db. Nah, but, I don't think Lal even in canon put a lot of thought or stalk into "undoing" the future. She doesn't really deal in the hypothetical. She's very results oriented. So even IF there are living Arcobaleno here, that doesn't change what she needs to do. And what she needs to do is train Tsuna. But she's... really really happy, in her angrypants Lal Mirch way to be talking to Viper and Colonello again. I think the Lal or the future was primarily just... lonely. Yeah, she's used to losing comrades, and yeah she's used to working alone. But at that point she was just kind of tired. So. She's happier here, in that way that she's not really letting herself be TOO happy.
Plans for the Future: Play out training Tsuna maybe? Also, have Mary Sue fainting spells some time somewhere. Because I do love a good Mary Sue fainting spell.
OOC Things: Ahaha. For a couple weeks after I apped her, I was really afriad she was going to go the way of my GL characters. Because see, I'm very sensitive to playing threads that I think are boring to the other character. It's kind of the same problem I had with Mia a while back. If I feel like I'm playing a thread that isn't entertaining or engaging for the other party, I feel assy about it. And see, Lal's reaction to about half her canon mates, and almost EVERYONE who isn't a canon mate is "I think you are stupid and I don't care about you." That doesn't seem like it would be very fun to play off of, so I get self-conscious about that. But my canonmates, especially Viper, I have had some really hilarious, dumb threads with, so I've kind of managed to get my Lal grove that way. The notababy is OK. o/