1. Get a new sign and some DAMN GOOD LOCKS for the Wright Fey and co Law Office. 2. It will involve coffee and rape. 3. 24 hours of whatever the fuck Maya wants to do. Anything. 4. Some good, quality paperwork. 5. Look for her mother. OK REDD WHITE IS IN JAIL NOW MOM COME BACK. :|
Comments 4
Top five most youthful and dynamic people at camp.
2. It will involve coffee and rape.
3. 24 hours of whatever the fuck Maya wants to do. Anything.
4. Some good, quality paperwork.
5. Look for her mother. OK REDD WHITE IS IN JAIL NOW MOM COME BACK. :|
1. Rukia
2. Izumi Kurtis
3. Kuno
4. Marcy
5. Tomo
Five things that Mia likes about Franziska.
Five things Adell wants to punch RIGHT NOW.
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