11/9/05 or 3/24/07
21,020 + 3,446
Lady, Lady, Lady. For a really long time, she was my baby. For like... almost a year (until after I apped Gai and dropped Jay and Etna), she was my only character that I cared about at all. She had some of my favorite relationships in all of my time at camp. But I made a lot of mistakes with her, both in the beginning and more recently. Pert of this is, I changed her voice and characterization to better match the anime, which I knew that I wasn't really satisfied with her characterization in. I really liked the Lady that had developed in camp. I think she was off in a valid direction from canon. But I needed the anime icons. Like, really badly. Do you remember Lady's old icon set? Yeah. Iconing off cam-corder rips is just lame. And so with having icon from the anime, her voice from the anime sort of slipped in. And that... muddied a voice I've always been a little shaky on. What's more, she's drifted away from a lot of her old important relationships, and trying to reestablish them in some cases feels just... forced and awkward. She has relationships now that I like. But playing her is just feeling really awkward all the time. Like I am playing two separate characters on one account. But then also sometimes I remember that she's from Devil Fucking May Cry, and I take a deep breath and it's like "OH RIGHT. HER CANON'S NOT GOOD IN THE FIRST PLACE." and I settle down a bit. I guess I could drop her and not freak out like I did the first time, but I really have no will to. I have no idea how long she'll hang around. Might be a few weeks, might be another year. It doesn't really bother me.
You can pry me from Mia's cold, dead fingers. Or vice-versa. There was a time when I was all ready to drop Mia. I had talked to canon mates, and I had her dropping post all planned out. I felt like she was just... bland. And every thread I had with her I felt bad that I was subjecting people to her blandness. And then even then I didn't feel like that, the feeling like that had all but burned me out on her. But then game 3 got an official release date and I knew that ~SPOILERS~ were coming and I figured, "well, I'll be kicking myself if I don't hold on to her at least until then." And so even though there were times when I was like "augh fuck, why haven't I dropped Mia?" sure enough when game 3 came out, my love for her was rekindled like none other. And now she's not going anywhere.
Don't let his low count fool you! Aang is not going anywhere. I play his a lot less than his canon-mates, and that's something I wish I'd like to improve. (Here is a note, canonmates! Poke me to comment with him if y'all are out somewhere.) Part of the problem is, I can only play Aang when I'm really in a mood to. So he gets a good number of posts, which I do tend to stick with all the way through, but I don't feel like playing him all the time. None-the-less, I love him a lot and he has such AMAZING canon mates. I am also really confident in my playing of him. I feel his voice very easily and the places he has deviated from canon, I am still confident in my interpretation based on where I took him from. He is not going anywhere for a while.
This one is kind of hard to say, since technically I'm still settling stuff in her damn intro post. But here's how I see it from here. Adiane is going to be a back-burner character. I haven't ever had a back-burner character that I've been really zen about their back-burnerness before, but I knew going in to it that playing someone so incapable of even the basic social interactions was gunna be hard. So I'm pretty sure she'll come out and be fabulous a couple times a month. And if I can have her doing that, I think she may stick around for a while. Who can say!
So I guess all-in-all, I really like my lineup right now, even if Mia is getting the vast majority of the play. All of them are at a good place. It's awesome! Don't you feel super informed?