I love being a woman. I can't believe there are people who wouldn't want to be a woman. I really don't know how men wake up every morning and not cry because they're not women.
I love my body. My body is awesome. I love my hips an my ass and my tits and my fucking vagina. I love the fact that my body is flexible and soft and there are no hard edges to it anywhere. I love that someday I could grow a baby inside of my body.
Really, how do men not fucking bawl their eyes out when they're reminded they're not women!
Also, I was an awesome student. I got good grades, did a lot of extra work. I've got a spare bachelors degree lying around, for god's sake. I studied in the States and in Stockholm. I will be an awesome lawyer. I work hard, I'm smart and inventive and really good both with legal theory and with the praticalities of running a bussiness. I was a court-clerk during my second and third year in law school. I got that job because I'm dedicated.
I've always worked 40, 50, 60 hours. I managed two fulltime studies and a parttime job, and still had a social life and played sports.
Someday, I will be a kick ass mom.
I'm not a part-time woman, no more than I will ever be a part-time mom or even a part-time lawyer. I will not work 'little jobs'. Daycare is not going to kill my kids. Having kids is not going to ruin my career. Being a woman is not a goddamn liability.
There are days I hate this country.