I don't usually do these things, but this one I found particularly interesting. So please reply. Please! I've been through it already, I'll post my answers in a few days.
Tell me which one you think I'd rather. To make things easier, just number which question your answering and put 1 or 2. As in the first option or the second option. Duh.
Would I rather be...
1 A pop star or a princess?
2 Famous or brilliant?
3 A character in your favourite book or in your favourite movie?
4 The age you are now or 21 years old?
Would I rather meet...
5 A space alien or a unicorn?
6 Your favourite teacher as a child or your mum as a child?
7 Someone who looks just like you or someone with the same name as you?
8 Your great-great-great-great grandmother or your great-great-great-great grandchild?
Would I rather know...
9 How to talk to animals or how to fly?
10 How to become invisible or how to travel in time?
11 How to become very tiny or how to become a giant?
12 How to breathe underwater or how to jump over buildings?
Would I rather go...
13 On a trip to outer space or to the bottom of the sea?
14 Parachuting or bungee-jumping?
15 On vacation to a theme park or to a foreign country?
16 Spend a night in a treehouse or in an igloo?
Would I rather have...
17 Your own dance studio or a horse farm?
18 Your story published or your painting in a museum?
19 An Olympic gold medal or a Guinness world record?
20 Ten sisters or ten brothers?