Title: The Birds and The Bees
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 200 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters.
A/N: Written for the "making babies" prompt at
ar_drabbles. Thank you to
nixmom for her beta and
redrockcan for her encouragement. This is pure silliness and totally inspired by a true situation that I had to face when I was volunteering in local elementary schools a few years ago.
Laura Roslin was having a very good day.
She had woken up wrapped in Bill’s strong arms; still a novel sensation for her and one that she didn’t think she could ever tire of.
The children at school had been extremely well behaved and she had rewarded their good behavior by giving them extra time at lunch break outside in the Pyramid court.
She checked her watch; the day was almost over. The children were happily working on their art projects. Perhaps she could leave early today and let Maya worry about readying the children for the end of the day? Bill’s shore leave would be ending tomorrow.
Karen, one of the youngest children had her hand in the air. A look of intense concern clouded her features.
“Yes?” Laura prompted.
“Ms. Roslin,” the young girl started out bashfully. “At lunch Zared said that babies came out from the ground, like vegetables.” Some of the older boys snickered.
“Can you tell us where babies really come from?” The entire class straightened in their chairs. Recycled pencils and paper was suddenly forgotten.
All eyes were on Ms. Roslin.
Laura checked her watch again.
She wondered how she could persuade Bill to come to her rescue.