Title: Le Deluge
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 100 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for
redrockcan who gave me the prompt "hull breach." I am also claiming this as a late entry for the "more books" challenge at
Laura would always remember the exact moment that it happened.
In retrospect; she’d admit that she had been completely unprepared.
A lingering smile.
A precious gift.
To the untrained eye, simply a book. But Laura was already fluent in the language of William Adama. He made it so damned easy.
Within the worn pages of the novel lay his true gift; his love.
Something broke within her; a breach in the walls that shielded her heart. The structural integrity of years of emotional dismemberment began to give way.
A flood was coming.
He was going to swallow her whole.