Title: Domestic Battlefields
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 200 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for
redrockcan's "emotional blackmail" prompt.
He vigorously wipes away the remaining shaving cream and water from his skin. My fingertips tingle from when they brushed his as I handed him the towel.
“Should I expect you to put your tags in the box sometime soon?” I dare to ask him. His eyes flash white-hot anger at me, but cool to the startling blue that I am so accustomed to within moments.
“No,” he sounds mournful. Love and war; these are what he knows best. He kills his opponents by beating them to death or loving them to death. Sometimes he does both.
He’ll never forgive me for what I’ve done to the Agathons. He’ll never stop loving me either. I use this to my advantage; I dare to approach the raging beast, I know that he won’t harm me as long as I hold his heart in my hands.
Instead of swinging a fatal blow to knock me out, he gathers me in his strong arms and holds me close. My arms encircle his neck. My lips brush the sensitive skin of his neck briefly. I feel him shudder in response to my uncharacteristic affection. I feel his heart swell.
Blow delivered.
Fatal knockout.
I win.