Title: The Main Event (original fic:
Warm Up, Cool Down)
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: R
Word Count: 100 words
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.
A/N: Here is how it works.
redrockcan is evil and a horrible enabler and she preys on my A/R obsession by bombarding me with prompts. Thus, you have this fic because she wanted a sequel.
The hatch screeched open. Bill looked up from his desk.
Laura strode past him, her skin still slightly dewy from her workout. Her face and chest were flushed; she looked good.
“Enjoy your work out?” Bill asked.
“It was very satisfactory,” she purred and climbed into his lap.
Bill leaned forward to capture an errant drop of sweat running down her neck.
“But that was just my warm up,” quick fingers began unbuttoning his uniform.
“I’m here for my real workout.” She leaned forward to capture his lips.
Bill was going to give her the workout of her life.