Title: As We Go Along
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: M
Word Count: 300 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for the "abstinence" prompt at
ar_drabbles. Many thanks to
nixmom for her beta and title.
He nipped playfully at her shoulder, lapping at the light sheen of sweat coating her pale skin.
“That was...” she let out a breathy giggle. “Long overdue.”
He chuckled, and groaned slightly, as he shifted their exhausted bodies.
“Pretty sure the bit against the sandbags would have been classified as downright sinful on Gemenon,” he murmured against her skin between wet kisses and soft caresses. “And don’t forget the interlude on your table.”
“Yeah, but it was so good,” she sighed.
“Heathen,” he kissed the word into the round underside of her breast.
Laura arched into the delightful tickle of his moustache and lips.
“Mmm, but then again, the Gemenese believe in abstinence until marriage,” she hummed.
She regretted her words as soon as they left her mouth.
“Was that a proposal?” Bill propped his chin between her bare breasts and smirked at her.
“I...” she stumbled.
“If that’s the case, let’s skip the ceremony and consider this thing officially consummated,” he wriggled his hips against her.
Bill could be such a romantic at times; she didn’t want to hurt his feelings.
“Then again, on Scorpia, marriage was considered to be overrated,” she said casually.
“But we aren’t from either colony,” he reasoned.
“And none of the colonies exist any longer,” she said mournfully.
His caresses became less sensual and more comforting as he gathered her more fully into his arms.
“And what sort of traditions exist on New Caprica?” he asked quietly.
She was contemplatively silent in his arms.
“Maybe we should live the lives we want to live,” he echoed her words from earlier. “Enjoy what this planet has to offer us?”
Laura turned so that she was facing him. His blue eyes were full of sincerity and adoration, her heart warmed instantly.
“I am,” she said softly.