Title: The Early Birds
Pairing: Adama/Roslin
Rating: T
Word Count: 665 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show.
A/N: Written for the battleship challenge at
about_time for Team Laura. Thanks to
redrockcan for all her encouragement and suggestions as I was writing.
“Why do you do that?” Laura asked from her position leaning against the hatch to Bill’s head. In the mirror, Bill looked at her confusedly, his face was full shaving cream and in one hand he held his razor.
“Why do I shave?” he asked for clarification.
“Yes, no. I mean, why do you shave so often? The hair can’t grow that quickly, I mean, it’s not like you’re going through puberty,” she reasoned.
Bill grumbled a nonverbal response. The growth of his facial hair and his body’s hormones were not really something that he felt comfortable talking about. Especially not with Laura. Especially since her very presence in his private quarters made him feel very much like an adolescent. Especially since her presence in said quarters had become a permanent arrangement as of lately.
“Well?” she asked somewhat impatiently.
Bill mumbled, the sound of the running water drowning his response.
“Didn’t quite catch that,” Laura said as she walked into the head and turned the tap off. She was wearing a light blue satin robe; the colour suited her complexion and the russet waves falling wildly around her shoulders. She had obviously just woken up.
“It calms me,” Bill grumbled. He averted her gaze as he finished the last few strips on his left cheek.
Laura remained silent as he rinsed his face and patted it dry with a hand towel, though she made no effort to remove herself from inside his personal space. Bill cleaned his razor and sink, before putting all of his toiletries back in their places. Finally out of activities to stall the inevitable, he turned to face Laura once more.
“It calms you?” she asked slowly, there was a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
“Yes,” he said, squaring his shoulders defensively. Laura bit her lower lip, a flush spreading across her elegant cheekbones.
“I’m not laughing,” she said, her voice shaky from the effort to internalize her laughter. “I’m not-“ the rest of her sentence was drowned out by the triumphant tumble of giggles which bounced around them cheerfully.
Bill couldn’t help but grin at the image of Laura, her hair a tangles mess, no make-up, and shaking with laughter.
“I’m so sorry,” she gasped as she tried to steady her breathing. “That was mean,” she said sheepishly.
“It’s fine,” he waved off her apology. “It’s a bit ridiculous, I know,” he admitted. “Used to drive my ex-wife crazy, she said that I always hogged the bathroom when she needed to do her hair in the morning.”
Laura told herself that she was most certainly not jealous of the long dead woman who had experienced the pleasure of sharing her morning routine with Bill for several years. She cleared her throat, sobering up.
“I should let you finish up in here,” she said, gesturing to their surroundings. “I’ll get our coffee ready.”
“I won’t be long,” he promised. “Be out in a few and then it’s all yours.”
“Thank you,” she said sincerely and made to leave. Bill’s gentle grip on her arm halted her movements. He nudged her slender body closer to his own, and met her shy, soft smile.
“We haven’t properly said good morning yet,” he insisted gently.
“Good morning?” she offered. The tender caress of his thumb against her forearm was making her dizzy.
“Good morning,” he whispered before leaning to capture her lips in a sweet kiss. She sighed contently as he parted from her, her eyelids still half closed.
“Very good morning,” she agreed and he chuckled softly with her.
They stood there for a moment, enjoying the easy intimacy between them. Neither one of them were willing to push their physical intimacy any further right at this moment, that would come later, of this they were both now certain.
For now, they were both content to simply revel in the sweet simplicity and innocence of this moment.
It was a good morning; they each hoped that it lasted as long as possible.