Title: New Beginnings (1/4)
Pairing Hobbs/Raydor
Rating: T
Word Count: 2, 505 words
Disclaimer: Not my characters or television show
A/N: This fic came into existence thanks to a prompt from
rococoms who then became totally invaluable while I was writing. Thank you as well to
redrockcan , for her insight and encouragement. The events of this fic commence near the end of The Closer, and continue on into the events of Major Crimes. Rating and word count will change (I shall indicate this) on each chapter.
As her fingertips danced across the slightly freckled skin of the brunette in her arms, Andrea sighed happily; this was always her favourite part of making love.
Andrea was an extremely tactile woman, and she loved just laying in bed surrounded by nothing but a lover’s body and a large expanse of time to enjoy one another with. It was clear when Andrea and Sharon first started seeing each other that the Captain was not an especially affectionate person, years of working in a slightly hostile environment had forced Sharon to keep her guard up at all times. A few tense discussions had occurred between them, and Andrea had to finally accept that her heart had selected an intensely private and guarded partner, and that she would have to compromise when it came to certain behaviors.
But when they were alone together like this, bodies blissfully sated and hearts still wanting more of each other, Sharon was wonderfully pliant, receptive, and loving; Andrea had come to appreciate rather than resent Sharon’s private nature. Instead of feeling ignored or unappreciated, Andrea actually felt more loved and respected in her relationship with Sharon than she’d ever felt in previous relationships. The headstrong and determined Captain was an exceptional lover, and Andrea had discovered that Sharon possessed quite the romantic streak. She loved that the normally reserved and controlled woman came undone only when they were alone, for Andrea’s eyes only.
“Do you need to set an alarm?” Andrea whispered between Sharon’s shoulder blades. Under Andrea’s gentle ministrations, Sharon squirmed, arching her bare back as her lover’s hands caressed her. Soft, warm kisses peppered her shoulders and neck; this was nothing short of pure bliss.
“Already done. I have to be up a little earlier tomorrow.” Her tone was apologetic; Sharon enjoyed sharing breakfast with Andrea on the rare occasions that she stayed the night. “Taylor has arranged a meeting between myself and Chief Pope for 8:00 am.”
Andrea turned them slightly so that they were side by side in Sharon’s luxurious queen bed.
“What’s the meeting about?” Andrea inquired. Sharon sighed.
“I don’t know. But it can’t be good. I could just tell from Taylor’s tone that it’s something serious. Probably something to do with Chief Johnson’s leaving,” Sharon wrapped her arms around the younger woman, tucking her head under Andrea’s chin, “Her entire team has been troubled since the lawsuit concluded. And now with the implementation of the Johnson Rule…” Sharon trailed off sighing.
“I can’t believe that was the compromise that they agreed on,” Andrea said. “Talk about a personal attack.”
Sharon nodded her agreement in the crook of Andrea’s neck and shoulder. “I know. And they’ve all been especially difficult to deal with lately, Pope and Taylor have lost their patience with Chief Johnson especially, they expect me to keep her and the rest of the department in line and quite frankly I am losing my patience with them and this whole situation. I don’t know what I am going to do when she joins your department,” Sharon sighed, “I can’t imagine that Provenza is going to be any easier to deal with. And he’s next in line as the department head.”
Andrea resumed her earlier caresses to Sharon’s back, hoping to soothe her frustrated lover. “They can’t honestly expect you to swoop in and fix the entire department in a few months. Mistakes take twice as long to fix as they do to make, and Major Crimes has been in operation for years,” she reasoned.
Sharon chuckled ruefully. “Try explaining that to them. They don’t want to hear objections, they just want their agendas carried out efficiently and without error.”
“You’ll do your best, you always do,” Andrea reassured her. “And if your best isn’t good enough, they are always welcome to try it themselves. Besides, you’re in Internal Affairs, not Homicide, they can’t keep pulling you out of your department to follow their detectives around, and enforce their rules, you’ve got a job to do too.”
Sharon hummed noncommittally. Her brows were still furrowed with worry and frustration and Andrea decided that she did not like this look on her lover one bit.
“Though, I’m not sure why we’re discussing the incompetence of your superiors in bed,” Andrea drawled, “I can think of far better things to spend our time doing.”
“Is that so?” Sharon purred as Andrea slid one of her long, smooth legs between Sharon’s thighs. Grinning slyly, Andrea encouraged Sharon to rock her hips against her thigh. “Oh,” Sharon sighed pleasurably.
“Oh yes, and when we’re done, I promise that work will be the furthest thing from your mind,” Andrea said huskily as she bit and suckled the expanse of Sharon’s neck and collarbone.
Andrea encouraged Sharon to lie on her back as she slid down her lover’s body, kissing and caressing each inch of beautiful skin as she descended. As Andrea parted Sharon’s thighs gently, Sharon wound her fingers in the soft blonde hair and just simply gave into the pleasurable sensations that Andrea lovingly coaxed from her body.
Andrea woke the next morning, muscles feeling a bit sore and pulled, but feeling better than she had in weeks. It took her a moment to realize that she was alone in bed, a quick glance at the clock on Sharon’s side table indicated that it was fifteen minutes before Sharon’s dreaded meeting and that her lover was likely already in the office, anxiously awaiting her superiors.
Andrea fished for her cell phone on the table, she figured that she could risk sending Sharon a quick text; Pope seldom arrived early to anything.
Knock ‘em dead. xo
Andrea smiled goofily when Sharon’s reply came in a moment later.
Sharon could not help but stare a bit blankly at Pope and Taylor. While she had been dreading terrible news, nothing could have prepared her for the bombshell that they had just dropped on her. Of course, Sharon was already aware that Chief Johnson would be relocating to Andrea’s office, but what she was not aware of was that Pope and Taylor had selected her as Chief Johnson’s replacement. The entire transition was to occur in four days time, and Sharon had never felt so ill prepared for anything before. Her hands felt hot and cold at the same time, dual sensations of excitement, and fear were fighting to try and overwhelm her.
“Have you briefed the rest of the Major Crimes division about this change in the chain of command?” Sharon asked tentatively, hoping that her voice didn’t betray her nerves.
Pope and Taylor shared a significant look. Taylor cleared his throat. “Well, not exactly. They are aware of course of Chief Johnson’s retirement from the LAPD, but they are not yet aware of who will be taking her place.”
“Might I suggest that you do brief them on this matter before the transition takes place? I am sure that I don’t need to remind either of you that I am not especially well liked by any member of Chief Johnson’s former team,” she said regretfully.
“Frankly Captain, this job is not a popularity contest. It is not required that your fellow officers like you,” Pope said harshly.
“You are correct Chief Pope, however, it is required that my fellow officers, especially those under my command respect me and my rank.” Taylor’s jaw tightened visibly at her statement.
“I assure you Captain, that the officers of Major Crimes are nothing short of professional, and that they will indeed respect your new role as their direct superior. Now, unless there is anything else that you would like to discuss, I have been in contact with FID and they have been notified about your transition starting immediately. I expect you to report to Major Crimes in four days time, as the new head of this very elite department.”
Sharon bit the inside of her lip to prevent a, well, fuck you too, from slipping out. “Yes Sir,” she said instead.
“You don’t seem very overly pleased about this Captain, I thought that you would jump at this opportunity?” Pop remarked.
“To be honest Chief, you caught me a little off guard; I was not expecting this,” she replied, “but that is not to say that I am ungrateful, I look forward to contributing to the department, and working with its members,” she said diplomatically.
Andrea Hobbs had been restless all day long. Her mind was whirling through all the possible outcomes of Sharon’s meeting, each scenario seemingly worse and worse. She eyed her cell on the desk in front of her, Sharon had not called or texted her, and Andrea knew better than to contact her until Sharon was ready to tell her what had happened. She checked her watch for the hundredth time, it was well past 5:30 pm and Sharon should be finishing up for the day, if not already home.
The sudden, loud ring of her cell phone jolted her, and she snatched it without checking the caller ID.
“Hobbs,” she answered, hoping that her anxiety was not obvious in her tone.
“It’s me,” Sharon said on the other end. Andrea could hear the telltale clang of Sharon’s keys being dropped on the counter in her condo.
“Hi me,” Andrea teased, “How did it go today?”
“It wasn’t anything bad, just, unexpected. Are you home? I’d rather explain in person.”
“I’m at the office still, there were a few things I had to finish up,” Andrea lied. The office building was closer to Sharon’s condo than Andrea’s townhouse. She hadn’t gone home yet just in case Sharon wanted to talk tonight. “I can come over?”
“Okay, I’ll make us dinner. Chicken and rice okay?” Sharon asked.
“Perfect,” Andrea replied, already grabbing her jacket and briefcase. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.”
Sharon ended the call with a wide grin on her face. The initial shock from her meeting with Taylor and Pope had worn off, leaving now only the excitement and the overwhelming sense of possibility with her. Her mind seemed to practically spin with all of her high hopes for Major Crimes; she couldn’t wait to break the news of her new job to Andrea. Taylor’s new vision for the department would actually have Major Crimes in contact with the DA’s office on a far more regular basis, which meant that Sharon would have the opportunity to work more closely with Andrea. She’d worked through all the pros and cons of the situation in her mind, and decided that the two women were professional enough to keep their personal lives out of their work, and they knew each other well enough that Sharon had no doubt they’d make an efficient team.
Humming to herself, she started to set the table, taking extra care with her most expensive wine glasses and cutlery; she was going to indulge a little tonight, both she and Andrea had earned it.
“You accepted the position?” Andrea asked incredulously. “After all of your years spent in FID, you’re going to move to Homicide?” She tried to keep the anger and fear out of her voice, but without much success. Andrea had been able to easily accept Sharon’s job as a police officer because her department seldom had her out in the field. Her stomach clenched violently at the thought of how dangerous fieldwork was, and how Sharon would now be placed directly in that danger.
“You sound surprised,” Sharon said coolly. They’d relocated from her dinner table to the couch, as was their custom, but instead of sitting close together like they normally did, Andrea was as far away from her as possible on the narrow piece of furniture.
“I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Andrea said simply, “Homicide isn’t the department for you. I think you can do more good in FID, let Taylor find someone else to clean up Johnson’s mess,” she grumbled.
“You’ve never had an issue with my involvement with Major Crimes before now. No one is nearly as familiar with the team, and with the department as I am. I already have an established relationship with the detectives that will be under my command, and that will make this transition smoother for everyone,” Sharon insisted stubbornly. She was more than a little disappointed in Andrea’s reaction to her news.
But Andrea wasn’t buying Sharon’s well rehearsed speech. “How long has it been since you’ve been in the field? Fifteen years? Twenty years? Things aren’t the way they were when you first started out Sharon. You’ve spent a lot of time on the administrative side of things, and you’re good at it, really wonderful,” she said, hoping that her positive encouragement would help her win this argument, “I just think that you should stick with what you are good at.”
“You don’t think that I can handle being out in the field,” Sharon said flatly, “so you’re content to just see me chained to a desk all day. Do you really think that’s why I became a cop? To get stuck in a department that has left me hated and mistrusted by my fellow officers and used like a pawn by my superiors for all these years? I miss it Andrea, the feeling of being neck deep in a case, the bond that develops between the team, being respected, the feeling that I’m doing some good in this city, I miss it all so much and I have the chance to get that all back. Don’t I deserve that chance?” Sharon pleaded.
“Sharon, you’ve said it before yourself, the team can’t stand you; that’s not really a wonderful foundation to build partnerships on. You really think they’re going to want you interfering with their investigations permanently?” As soon as the words left her mouth Andrea regretted them. Hurt and anger flashed across her lover’s face before disappearing under an indifferent and cool mask.
“Well, it seems like I am loathed no matter what department I work in, so clearly there is nothing for my to lose by my interfering with Major Crimes.”
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Andrea said, “I just-“
“No, you did mean it. You don’t say things unless you really mean them, that’s not like you,” Sharon said quietly. “I’m sorry, I expected that you’d be happy for me, that you’d see how much I wanted this and put aside your objections for my sake. I was wrong in making that assumption on your behalf.” Sharon rose from the couch, “I’m going to bed. I have another early start. Taylor and I have a series of meetings tomorrow to decide who to appoint as my replacement in FID. You’re welcome to stay, but this discussion is over.”
“I think it’s better that I go home,” Andrea replied bitterly.
Sharon blinked back the beginnings of tears. “Fine then. You can show yourself out.”
Andrea silently cursed herself and her clumsy way with words as she watched Sharon retreat to her room.