-Oh my gosh! Laura and Scott listen to Cowboy Mouth. This is the fist time someone who hasn't been introduced to them through L & S has had an album. What fun! :)
-Inside rectification is a good thing. Not to be confused with insider trading, which is not. Seriously, yay for healthy!
-On the dilemma: I say poor and unconflicted is a much better way to go. Besides, you can always take the time you would have spent subjecting yourself the the ick of modeling and do some random job hunting instead. So you could wind up unconflicted and employed in a happy place. :)
-And, hey, as a pathological listmaker myself, I see nothing wrong with lists. Lists are good. And orderly. That is, they have order, not that they dress in white and perform odd jobs at hospitals. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to lists cleaning up for the ill and infirm, mind you...
- whoa! Cowboy Mouth is way awesome - we saw them at House of Blues a few months ago and it was one of the most fun, energetic shows i've seen. i've heard rumors that they'll be in S. Fla. again soon - any interest in a group trip
( ... )
-Group trip? Hmmm. I'll have to see if I can introduce you guys to Laura and Scott next time they're up here. Maybe we can encourage percolation of the plan.
-Martha Stewart is one of the craziest people on the planet. I swear.
-"Frigteners" rocks. I saw it in the theater more or less by accident (I think it was a "want to see a movie but nothing's really out" sort of evening). Love that thing.
-The next doctor's appointment is August 15th, at which points the Secrets of the Heart Murmur (tm) may or may not be revealed (I'm not sure what test he's planning, so I don't know if he can do it then, or if I'll have to schedule it). Details as I have them. :)
First, I am a positive thinking person, but just give up the whole "eating non-processed, organic, food thing...it's worth more to save the TIME than the calories or nutrition, take some multivitamins, work out, and eat what you want
( ... )
:) i know, right? this brain is all over the place these days. i think it's just pre-school-ness; once i get some of these questions answered i'll be able to settle down comfortably
( ... )
This will be a challenge. I have, in all do-able reality, one day free before I go back to Salem on the 16th. How amenable are you to this coming Sunday, the 10th? E-mailishness is a good thing, missy.
Don't speak of letters that won't come, miss. You didn't have to say you'd write me, but you did. And then it never came. So I guess why say it in the first place? Just let it happen if it's going to happen and don't build up false hopes. Aside from that, I'm not sure I'm going to even get a response from this, as I know how your internet activity is at times. Here's hoping for the best...
Comments 13
-Inside rectification is a good thing. Not to be confused with insider trading, which is not. Seriously, yay for healthy!
-On the dilemma: I say poor and unconflicted is a much better way to go. Besides, you can always take the time you would have spent subjecting yourself the the ick of modeling and do some random job hunting instead. So you could wind up unconflicted and employed in a happy place. :)
-And, hey, as a pathological listmaker myself, I see nothing wrong with lists. Lists are good. And orderly. That is, they have order, not that they dress in white and perform odd jobs at hospitals. Although, I wouldn't be opposed to lists cleaning up for the ill and infirm, mind you...
-Martha Stewart is one of the craziest people on the planet. I swear.
-"Frigteners" rocks. I saw it in the theater more or less by accident (I think it was a "want to see a movie but nothing's really out" sort of evening). Love that thing.
-The next doctor's appointment is August 15th, at which points the Secrets of the Heart Murmur (tm) may or may not be revealed (I'm not sure what test he's planning, so I don't know if he can do it then, or if I'll have to schedule it). Details as I have them. :)
Look, I didn't use a list. What a freak I am.
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