This is for my
You know, the kind of woman friend
you can be a girl with.
You know what I mean a woman you giggle
with one minute and can be dead serious the next.
The kind of friend that you can be a bitch with
and she thinks that you were being
a bitch just then, and tells you so.
The kind of friend that you usually
tell all to and when you forget to tell
her some secret that you have been holding
and casually mention it to her, you are
surprised that you hadn’t told her.
You know, the kind of friend that you can
go out with and it’s not always dutch.
The kind of woman friend that you
play with and sleep with and go to
the movies with and gossip half the day
or night with and argue politics with and
never agree yet always agree with…you know?
The kind of friend that you keep secrets
for and with and can be a P.I. with, in fact
you both insist upon it.
I mean the kind of friend that you laugh
and cry with over some man breaking your
heart even though this is the fourth time
this year it’s happened, and she will hold
you and let you wail
just like it was the very first time your
heart was ever broken.
The kind of woman that will leave
no stone unturned to find out why he hurt
Your feelings even if he didn’t mean to and
especially if he did.
The kind of friend that you will accept
an apology from graciously even when you feel
now that you might have been hyper-
sensitive that day and revel in the knowing
that someone cares so much how you feel and
you don’t have to worry about monogamy or
polygamy or which side of the bed is yours
or nothing.
The kind of woman friend that you can tell
how your lover done you so wrong and she
doesn’t get mad when you don’t do all those
things you swore you would.
The kind of friend that you can get
mad with and she will not give up on you
or stop loving you.
The kind of friend that will give
you space to fall in love even though your
new affair is taking the spontaneity out
of her being able to pop over or to
call you late about some small bit of
info to hear your voice and be assured
about some fear that you can not
yet name.
The kind of friend that doesn’t get mad
until she has not yet seen or heard from you
for two solid weeks and then she comes
over or calls and cusses your ass out for days
and then you go out for an ice cream cone.
I mean the kind of friend that stays mad
with the people that fuck you over long
after you have forgiven them.
The kind of friend that
allows you to wallow in self pity for
just so long and then gives you a swift
The kind of friend that close or far apart
she will be there for you, the distance wiped
away instantly to meet some outside enemy or
I mean the kind of woman who always honors
what is private and vulnerable for you.
You know, I mean GIRLFRIENDS.
| Andrea R. Canaan |
from Making Face, Making Soul/Haciendo Caras: Creative and Critical Perspectives by Women of Color by Gloria Anzaldua [ 1942-2004 R.I.P.]