SPN Vid: Fit But You Know It

Nov 08, 2007 05:48

Way back... at the very dawn of time... there was a day when ignipes mentioned that Fit But You Know It would make a good vid about Dean.

Well, guess who (thinks she) knows how to make vids now?? *beams*

Happy Birthday, ignipes! Just trying to secure my place as your #1 stalker-- it's a cut-throat competition-- by popping up with presents that cater to random whims. Your wish is my command. *adores*


My challenge to myself was to see if I could make a second Wincest crack!vid without reusing a single, solitary clip from the Hmmm vid. Madness, you say? Well, I almost made it; all but two. However, I DARE you to try to make Sam/Dean crack and leave out the bed-wrestling. IT CANNOT BE DONE!

Once again I must give all thanks and praise to my two unbelievably fantastic betas, _sharvie_ and pheebs1. There's no way I can thank them enough for the gift of their keen eyes and wonderful support. ♥ Sadly, I only ended up using bits and pieces of the advice they gave me. There is a far superior vid out there that's been left to languish in their brilliant notes.

Title: Fit But You Know It
Artist: The Streets
Vidder: deirdre_c
Characters: Sam/Dean (now with extra crack!)
Spoilers: Through 3x05
Summary: Sam gets drunk and reveals his true feelings for Dean.
Length: 2:34 mins
Note: The song lyrics contain the f-word (just in case you've got the volume turned to 11).

Watch here:
streaming at youtube
(Note: give it a minute to start loading before you hit play, so you don't get skips in the middle!)

Or watch embedded :

image Click to view

Get here:
Large, pretty version
.avi (48.4MB) via zshare
.avi (48.4MB) via sendspace

Smaller version
.avi (20MB) via zshare
.avi (20MB) via sendspace
.mp4 (33MB) via sendspace

(if you need me to upload it in a different format or to a different hosting service, just let me know)

Hosted here (by the lovely oxoniensis):
.avi (24MB) permanent link

supernatural vids

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