Hi ho, metrics!

Jan 01, 2013 14:47

What? You thought I died? No such luck.

Awright. Now for the meat of the matter.

Stuff I did/had happen/made happen this year:

Books begun to be read: 54
Books finished reading: 50

Movies seen: 8

Museum exhibits viewed: 1

Cons attended: 4

Submissions subbed: 2
Rejections: 1

Words written: Who knows? I didn't track that this year. So instead, I have the next three entries:
Short stories written: 7. Or maybe more, but those are the ones I could find when I looked. And since I feel like listing titles:
  One Leaf Falling
  Dead in Space
  The Wonder Man
  The Good Servant
  Le Jardin
  Working title: Gojdar
  Working title: Mayan Apocalypse (two versions, but I only count them as one story.)
Novels completed: 0. God damn it! But at least I finally broke the writer's block on the stinking thing and have forward motion again.
Anthologies edited: 2. One amateur, one professional. Have you seen SHANGHAI STEAM?

Workshops attended: 4. And not all of them were writing workshops! (I like sinking... now, if only I had a garage to do it in...)

New computers: 2. Hence the sorry state of my wallet right now...

Colds: Too damn many.

Medical problems: 1. My advice? Do not twist a weight-bearing joint. Just don't.

Deaths in the family: 1

Looking back at all that, I wonder if I can convince myself to committing to creating 12 new works -- short stories, novels, anthologies, ... hell, even paintings -- in the next year? We shall see.
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