(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 20:37

So today is the first day of spring. Archi thinks its funny, but in spring time people do do the whole 'love' thing. But i guess thats fine, springtime happiness is better then no happiness at all right. Okey dokey i am gonna go back into the whole optimistic mode the best i can, cause people need it more then me complaining about nothing... cause complaining about nothing get nobody anywhere.

I had a GREAT weekend!! Actually the whole week was pretty great. After a certain point i would not let myself stress about the finals, and i actually study for some of them which is something new for me. I doubt i did less then a B on any of my finals, wait scratch that, i might not have done so hot on my math but thats okay. What day was E finals? Wednesday right? Well whatever day that i was i left school E period and got the fried twist. I swear, its like you've died an gone straight to heaven, no joke. Which reminds me, Laura and Heather, Cathy wants to do brownie day this week, so if you can, we should.

Track starts tommorow, I am soooo excited, don't be scared Leah you'll be fine. Wanna know whats also tommorow? My sisters birthday!! WOO HOO. My baby sister is gonna turn 12!! Haha, love that girl with all my heart an soul. Andddd I got her the funniest birthday card. Wanna hear about it, I KNOW YOU DO!!! haha, okay so on the front there is a picture of this really cute orange cat wearing green glasses and its eyes are all magnifed and everything. Yea so above the picture it says; HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE SMART SISTER and then you open it up and its says;..FROM THE PRETTY ONE. haha, wayy too funny i thought, i just hope she doesn't take it too literally cause she is wayy more beautifuler then me.. AhH my baby sister is turning 12. The funniest thing is that she steals that books that Akilah has to read for school and reads them in an hour or two.. so she is the smart one.

Speaking of birthdays... I am gald you liked it Julie!! And now you have an LJ so you can read it! Get better soon, i realized though i could have been the one to get you sick cause my sister has been sick since umm tuesday i think.. yea since tuesday. I love you, feel better.

So today i worked out hardcore man. I was way too proud! I did Tae Bow not express, which was superhard but i didn't quit which is the best i can ask. then i did sit ups, crunches, push ups, leg lifts, and those things where you do the sit ups and hold it where its hard. Haha, that sounded not at all how i meant it! HAHA! Whew... Then i went for a warm up run, and then did strides. Thats the best part of living on a coldadasc, I have NO idea how to spell that, but it doesn't matter

LMAO, remember that song that the Rock did a few years back and the whole time he is bobbing his head and scream 'IT DOESN"T MATTER!' HAHAHA, wow funny flashback.

So isn't it great when you just say things cause you think them?! i know super random but thats okay

If anybody wants a mints that shapeed like a corsets, panties or stiletos, just let me know cause i have them. I ahve tic tacs too! Ahh that was wayy to fun! And that lady in brookstone! 'what stick is up her ass?' Sh*Kh

Spring time, oooh yes its spring  time. Like my little song there? I bet you loved it, i even bet you got up and did a jig. OMG Laura, the Monk jig, hahaha, Funny funny funny!

okay so maybe yall couldn't tell but i am so easily amused right now. Like my toes are painted red , and the brown socks I am wearing are thining so i can see the nail polish right though! I am soo.. i think its really funny is all cause its all shiney, okay it doesn't sound nearly as funny as it actually is.

MY LOVER STANDS ON GOLDEN SAND, AND WATCHING THE SHIPS THAT SO SAAAIIIILLLING! OO i just had a urge to say that cause i heard in on teh tv in the other room, sry Heather, lol

OO I am gonna be so mad my mom whats to get my little siter an Ipod even though i was asking for it BEFORE christmas, but if she gets it i really am happy fort her, i just hope she knows i am gonna be using it just as much if not more then her hehe

Did you know they have a king sized heath bar? I almost flipped my socks! HAHA, what kind of expression is that? Did i just make that up, well nonetheless its SEXY!!

I feel like i haven't written alot, or have I? I dunno, but i know i had so much fun writing in it!! I hope you all had fun reading it. OR DID YOU JUST SKIP TO THE END?! :-O <-- he makes me giggle, hehehehe

OO yeah, so my piano teacher came home today, she will be okay, her daughter is here now and she brought us cake! After all she ben through she brings us cake. Over there laughing and all, i love her, i am gald they are all going to be okay

L is for the way you look at me
O is for the only one i see
V is very very, extra ordinary
E i can't think of E but you all know what i mean ;-)

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