so everyone can see what they're missing. a sampling of quotes from the first two episodes of season three. mondays at 8 pm, watch it.
Lucille:Well, apparently, mood-alternating medications can lead to street drugs. That’s what this very handsome young doctor said on the Today Show.
Michael: That was Tom Cruise, the actor.
Lucille: They said he was some kind of scientist.
Lindsay: Don’t buy! We did it, Mikey! We’re super rich again! And, I’m going to buy a car. The Volvo.
Michael: Lindsay, you’re not going to start spending money. And this is not a Volv.. oh!
Lindsay: Oh, that’s from sitting on the copier.
Lindsay: Michael, I’ve got nothing! My husband dumped me and ran off to Vegas with Kitty. That bleached blonde whore!
Michael: Well, he’s definitely got a type.
Tobias: No, no, no, no. I-I was scared too, but I realized it was of being a leading man. Oh, I can just taste those meaty leading man parts in my mouth.
GOB: But it’s not like envy, or even hungry. Could it be love? I know what an erection feels like, Michael. No, it’s the opposite. It’s... it’s like my heart is getting hard. Maybe I am ready to be a father.
Lindsay: You’re one to talk. You haven’t had a serious relationship since your wife. And you guys weren’t even speaking toward the end.
Michael: Lot of that was the coma.
Lindsay: Yeah, I’ve heard your side of it.
Michael: Don’t I look kind of British?
Ian: Perhaps if you’re willing to lose 20 pounds.
Narrator: The clerk was asking for a bribe, but this was lost on Michael.
Michael: Well, you guys do go for the jugular.